Page 21 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 21

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC determination in cleaning validation
                                         – final rinse

            The highest purity and most careful handling        Because time and temperature, as well as the
            of substances and active ingredients is an          use of  cleaning agents and  solvents are
            important requirement in the manufacture of         optimized, CIP cleaning is highly effective.
            pharmaceuticals. An effective removal of            Moreover, automatic cleaning allows a
            production residues in pharmaceutical plants        standardized and, therefore, an easily
            is an essential precondition. A well-cleaned        validated procedure.
            pharmaceutical production system prevents
            contamination    and,    consequently,    the       ■ Sampling and analysis
            adulteration of the produced drug. This  is         In case of CIP cleaning, the rinsing liquid of
            particularly  important in the production of        the final rinse solution is sampled and
            active ingredients in batch processes, as the       analyzed. This is a very simple, easily
            system is used for different products and           automatable and fast method. When water is
            contamination of the next product must be           used as a solvent, TOC analysis is suitable
            prevented.                                          for subsequent analysis.

                                                                ■ TOC-Analysis
                                                                TOC analysis is applied for the determination
                                                                of the total organic carbon content as a sum
                                                                parameter. The carbon content of the sample
                                                                is oxidized to CO 2 and detected by an NDIR
                                                                detector. Analysis of final rinse samples is,
                                                                therefore, fast and simple (analysis time:
                                                                approx. 4  min). The determined TOC  value
                                                                reflects any contamination by starting
                                                                materials, products, byproducts or cleaning
                                                                agents, as long as they contain carbon.

                                                                ■ Shimadzu TOC Series
            ■ Cleaning methods: Clean in Place                  With its TOC-L series, Shimadzu offers a
            CIP cleaning (clean in place) is  performed         highly suitable tool for cleaning validation.
            automatically and without disassembly of the        The modular design simplifies the analysis –
            production  system. The production system           no matter whether one wants to measure final
            must, therefore, have  a CIP design. This           rinse samples or swab samples.
            includes the use of rinsing heads,  no dead
            volumes, collection  tank and recycling
            possibilities    for     the      detergents.
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