Page 19 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 19

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC determination in ultrapure water –
                                         Comparison of the various oxidation
                   SCA-130-201           techniques

            Ultrapure water is one of the  most widely          Water Purified is used in the manufacture of
            used excipients in the production of                pharmaceuticals that do not require any other
            pharmaceuticals. It is also used for cleaning       standard. The organic content is determined
            purposes. Different application areas require       either via the TOC value (0.5 mg/L) or via the
            different grades of ultrapure water quality.        permanganate test (purified water in bulk).
            These grades are defined in the  European
            Pharmacopoeia, which distinguishes between          ■ TOC determination in ultrapure water
            ‘Purified Water’, ‘Highly Purified Water’ and       Two oxidation techniques are now commonly
            ‘Water for Injection’ (‘The United States           used in TOC analysis:
            Pharmacopoeia, however, does not use the            1. Catalytic combustion, where carbon
            same     classification  as  the   European         compounds are converted into CO 2 using a
            Pharmacopoeia’).                                    catalyst under high temperatures with
                                                                subsequent detection  of the resulting CO 2
                                                                using an NDIR detector.
                                                                2. Wet chemical oxidation, which uses a
                                                                combination of UV irradiation and persulfate
                                                                for oxidation. Both methods can be applied
                                                                for the determination of ultrapure water.

            Water for injection  is used for the
            preparation of injection solutions and is
            produced by distillation. The TOC content
            may not exceed 0.5 mg/L (water for injection
            in bulk).

            Water Highly Purified  is  a sterile ultrapure
            water for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals        ■   TOC-L CPH: Oxidation via catalytic
            that do not require a ‘Water  for Injection'        combustion
            standard. It is also often used for the final       The TOC-L  CPH uses  the proven catalytic
            rinse during cleaning and is usually produced       oxidation at 680 °C.
            by reversed osmosis. The TOC content may
            not exceed 0.5 mg/L.

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