Page 22 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 22


                                                                For users who prefer  wet-chemical oxidation
                                                                for the determination of TOC, the  TOC-V WP
                                                                analyzer with its various options, is available.
                                                                The key technique of the TOC-V WP analyzer
                                                                is the powerful oxidation via the combination
                                                                of sodium  persulfate  and UV oxidation at

                                                                Practical Example:
                                                                ■ Instrument / Measurement parameter
            The TOC-L CPH employs the proven catalytic          Unit:         TOC-L CPH
            oxidation at 680 °C. The integrated sample          Catalyst:     High sensitivity catalyst
            preparation (ISP) module greatly reduces the        Meas.-typ:    NPOC
            users’    workload,   as    the    instrument       Cal-Curve:    2-Punkt Calibration Curve
                                                                              0-3 mgC/L (KHP)
            automatically   carries   out  the   dilution,      Injection vol.:  500 μL
            acidification and degassing steps.
                                                                ■ Results
                                                                    Compound                      Recovery
                                                                Blank                0,030mg/L
                                                                Tranexamic acid      2,14mg/L    105 %
                                                                Anhydrous caffeine   2,19mg/L    108 %
                                                                Isopropylantipyrine   2,20mg/L   109 %
                                                                Nifedipine           2,17mg/L    107 %
                                                                Gentashin ointment   0,117mg/L   4,35 %
                                                                Rinderon ointment    0,333mg/L   15,2 %

                                                                From the results, it can be concluded that the
                                                                final rinse method only shows good
                                                                recoveries for water-soluble compounds.

                                                                (Further information is available in the
                                                                application note Japan TOC O41)

                      Fig. ISP-Module of TOC-L series

            The possibility for simultaneous determination
            of the TNb  (total nitrogen) using the TNM-L
            module      enables,    if   necessary,     a
            differentiation between cleaning  agent and
            product. This may be  of great importance,
            particularly for biopharmaceutical products.
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