Page 27 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 27

3. Chemical industry

        The most commonly used compound in  companies, the TOC load of the individu-  op protective mechanisms to help pro-  lems. Because of their modular design,
        the chemical industry is water – not  al wastewaters is often used as a basis  tect instruments and their components,  the instruments in the TOC-L series can
        only as a solvent in processing, but also  for calculation. Companies delivering  as well as to prevent damage by, for  be equipped for any possible measure-
        as an energy carrier in the cooling or  higher TOC loads are required to pay  instance, acid fumes or high salt loads.  ment task.
        heating cycle. As vast amounts of water  higher charges.  For this purpose, Shimadzu’s TOC-L
        are needed, chemical industries are                    series offers several gas washers and  The individual application notes (for
        often located close to large bodies of  Incoming goods control is important in  options to ensure safe and problem-free  instance ‘TOC determination in hydro-
        flowing water. Water used as processing  the chemical industry. Impurities present  analyses.  chloric acid, brines or sodium hydrox-
        water or as cooling water is cleaned and  in reagents often also constitute the    ide’) contain further information. In ad-
        subsequently led back to the river or  impurities in products. In addition to the  A further challenge is to attain a stable  dition to applications in the chemical
        stream. For environmental protection,  targeted analysis of known compounds,  and reproducible oxidation to ensure  industry, application notes are also
        these waters are subject to specific con-  sum parameters can help to assess the  that no fluctuating or strongly tailing  available on ‘Pharmaceutical industry’,
        trol and monitoring measures. As the  raw chemicals in terms of their impuri-  peaks are recorded. In addition, the  ‘Environmental analysis’, ‘TOC special
        TOC non-specifically detects all organic  ties. The TOC plays an important role  measuring values should remain stable  applications’, ‘TOC in daily practice’ and
        compounds, this parameter has also  here: this parameter describes the con-  over a longer measuring interval.  ‘TOC process analysis.’
        proven to be invaluable here.  tamination through organic compounds
                                   and specifies the total amount of organ-  In order to cover this wide range of ana-
        Large chemical industrial parks have  ic carbon. TOC can, therefore, also be  lytical tasks in the chemical industry,
        their own wastewater treatment plants  used for the assessment of inorganic  flexible systems are needed that are
        for cleaning wastewaters emanating  chemicals.         easily adapted to the task in question
        from the various chemical plants. In                   via various options, kits and modules.
        order to evenly distribute the waste-  The great challenge for TOC measure-  Shimadzu offers TOC systems that are
        water charges over the participating  ments in chemical products is to devel-  highly suitable for such analytical prob-
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