Page 32 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 32

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC – Determination in sulfuric acid


            Acids are a group of frequently used                The following SO 2 scrubbers are available:
            inorganic  chemicals used in the chemical
            industry. In particular, sulfuric acid is used in     Sulfix (WAKO Chemicals, Fuggerstr. 12,
            a wide range of applications.                           41468 Neuss, Germany). The Sulfix
                                                                    scrubber is installed underneath the
                                                                    normal sensitive catalyst and enables
                                                                    selective filtration of the formed SO 2.

                                                                  Mist scrubber (cartridge)
                                                                    Just like the halogen scrubber, the ‘Mist
                                                                    scrubber’ is used in the flow line for SO 2

                                                                In the experiment described below, the
                                                                NPOC content of a 98% sulfuric acid solution
                                                                is determined.

            Sulfuric acid in a concentration range to           The required purity criterion and the required
            1%.can be directly measured using a TOC-L           limit of detection was < 10 mg/L.
            analyzer Higher sulfuric acid concentrations        ■ Sample preparation
            can lead to tailing and, consequently to            The concentrated sulfuric acid was diluted
            increased measurement values because high           with ultrapure water to a ratio of 1:10 to
            sulfate  concentrations (> 5000  mg/L) can          decrease the concentration as well as the
            lead to the formation of large amounts of SO 2      viscosity of the sulfuric acid.
            vapors. SO 2 exhibits absorption bands in the          Compound
            same IR detection range as CO 2 and can,                (Concen-        Dilution        Conc.
            therefore, be misinterpreted for CO 2.
            To determine organic contaminations in                                1 : 10 diluted
            highly concentrated sulfuric acid,  additional           Sulfuric      with water      Ca. 10%
            SO 2 scrubbers are used.                                acid (98%)

                                                                The dilution has to be carried out with the
                                                                utmost care and caution, as the sulfuric acid
                                                                reacts violently upon the addition of water
                                                                (heat generation).
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