Page 29 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 29


            To investigate matrix influences, a potassium       The relative standard deviation over all
            hydrogen      phthalate      solution    was        measurements was 3.4%. The following
            subsequently     added     to   the    18.5%        graph shows the progression of the TOC
            hydrochloric acid  solution to increase the         values of the hydrochloric acid  injections.
            TOC by 5 ppm (Figure 3 and Table 1).

                                                                        Fig.4: Result of longterm stability

              Fig.3: Results of original and spiked hydrochloric   Blank values and standards (10 ppm) were
                               solution                         alternately measured between the individual
            Figure 3 and Table 1 show the results of the
            individual measurements of the hydrochloric
            acid as well as the  measurements of the
            spiked hydrochloric acid.

               TOC result of 18,5% hydrochloric acid in mg/l
               Injection      Original       Spiked with
                                             5ppm TOC
                  1            4,901           10,46            Fig. 5: Sequence of hydrochloric acid, blank (pure
                  2            4,858           10,24                     water) and Standards (10 mg/l)
                  3             4,91           10,39
                  4            4,716           10,64
                  5            4,728           10,28            ■ Recommended analyzer / configuration
                  6            4,739           10,35             TOC-L CPH with a normal sensitive catalyst
                  7            4,966           10,34                (without glass wool at the bottom  of the
                  8             4,71           10,36
                  9            4,662           10,42                catalyst tube)
                  10           4,733           10,33              B-Type scrubber with SnCl 2 solution
                  11           4,659           10,11              Copper bead scrubber with pH paper
                  12           4,625           10,27             Bypassing the blank check vessel
                  13           4,552           10,06
              Mean value        4,75           10,33              Substituting water for phosphoric acid (IC
                 SD             0,12            0,15                vessel)
              RSD in %          2,6             1,4               OCT-L 8-port sampler

                     Tab. 1: Values of each injection

            ■ Long-term stability
            To investigate the long-term stability of the
            method, the 37% hydrochloric acid solution
            was again diluted to a ratio of 1:2 with water
            and injected 76 times (150 µL).
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