Page 23 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 23

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         TOC –Determination in cleaning
                                         validation - swab method

            Cleaning     validation  substantiates    the       ■ Sampling and analysis
            effectiveness of a cleaning process and             In COP cleaning, the wiping method (swab) is
            ensures that no residues remain on the              used for sampling of visible residues. These
            surfaces of the production equipment. For the       include coatings, crusts, material deposited in
            detection   of    contaminations,   validated       corners and edges, and especially poorly
            analytical  methods must be used that are           soluble  substances.  The swab can be
            sensitive enough to determine the defined           extracted in a solvent and the extracted
            acceptable residue level. In general, residue       solution is subsequently analyzed. If water is
            limits of 10 ppm or  1/1000 of the usual            used for extraction, TOC analysis is suitable
            therapeutic  dose of an  active substance are       for subsequent analysis. Alternatively, the
            used as acceptance criteria.                        swab can also be measured directly (using a
                                                                carbon-free swab) using a TOC solid-sample

                                                                ■ Measuring system for the swab test
                                                                The modular design of Shimadzu’s TOC-L
                                                                series    now    enables     the   additional
                                                                determination of the swabs using the same
                                                                instrument. For this purpose, a solid-sample
                                                                module (SSM-5000A) was connected to the
                                                                main instrument, either a TOC-L series
                                                                combustion system or the wet-chemical
                                                                model of the TOC-V series.

            ■ Cleaning methods: Clean out of Place
            For COP  cleaning, the entire production
            system must be disassembled and the
            components must be  cleaned individually.
            This procedure is very time consuming and
            labor intensive. Due to the individual              For TC determination, the swab is placed in a
            cleaning,    this  procedure     cannot    be       ceramic boat and transferred into the oven,
            standardized. Advantages are, however, the          which is heated to 900 °C.
            low investment costs of the system and the
            possibility of visual inspection.
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