Page 5 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 5


            The organic  fraction is  only 1% of the total      ■ TOC-L Series
            carbons. A  TOC determination via the               The  sample  preparation for the  NPOC
            difference method (TOC = TC - IC) will not be       method (acidification and sparging) is  auto-
            appropriate in  this case, as the calculated        matically  done  in  the  TOC-L  analyzer.    The
            TOC value is prone to large statistical errors.     removing of the TIC can be performed either
                                                                in  the  syringe  of  the  ISP-Module  or  in  the
            Example:                                            autosampler with the external spare kit.
            TC =   100 mg/l (RSD = 2%) ± 2 mg/l                 The  ISP  (integrated  sample  preparation)
                   (98 – 102 mg/l)                              module  consists  of an 8-port valve  and a
            IC  =   98 mg/l (RSD = 2%) ± 1,96 mg/l              syringe with sparging  gas  connection. In
                   (96,04 – 99,96mg/l)                          addition to acidification  and sparging in the
                                                                syringe,  the ISP also enables automatic
            Based on error propagation the total error is ±     dilution.  This feature facilitates  an  extended
            3,96 mg/l                                           measuring     range,   dilution   of   highly
                                                                contaminated samples and the preparation of
            TOC (calc.) = 2 mg/l  ± 3,96mg/l                    a series  of  calibration samples  from a stock
                          (- 1,96 - 5,96 mg/l)                  solution. The ISP module  can  therefore
                                                                considerably  reduce  time-consuming  sample
            The total error is bigger than the TOC-result,      handling steps.
            negative results are possible.
                                                                ■ Example of drinking water analysis:
            According to  European  Standardization  EN         NPOC-Method
            1484  (instructions  for  the  determination  of    Acidification: 1,5%
            total organic carbon and dissolved organic          Sparge time: 5 minutes
            carbon), the difference  method can only be
            applied  when the TIC value (total inorganic
            carbon) is smaller than the TOC value.                  10
            For drinking water analysis the NPOC                    9
            method (non  purgeable  organic  carbon)  is            6
            therefore used. The drinking water sample is          Signal[mV]
            first acidified to a pH value of 2. This way the        3
            carbonates and hydrogen carbonates are
            transformed  into  carbon  dioxide.  The  CO 2  is      0
            then  removed via sparging with carrier  gas.           -1  0              7                14
            The  amount  of  volatile  and  therefore                                                    Zeit[min]
            purgeable organic carbon can be disregarded
            in drinking water. What remains is a solution       ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration
            of  non-volatile  organic  carbon  compounds.       TOC-L  CPH
            These can be oxidized  to CO 2  and detected        ASI-L (40ml), External Sparge-Kit.
            via NDIR.
                                                                TOC-V WP with ASI-V (40ml)
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