Page 3 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 3
1. Environmental analysis
A clean environment is the basis for a parameters used in many environmental drinking water to wastewater, from soils In addition to environmental analysis,
healthy life. Whether water, soil or air – applications. TOC analysis enables the to sewage sludge. The diversity in envi- there are also application notes and
keeping the environment clean for the determination of the sum of all organi- ronmental applications creates many information on ‘Pharmaceutical indus-
protection of all creatures should be the cally bound carbons in the above- different challenges for the analytical try’, ‘Chemical Industry’, ‘TOC special
primary responsibility of any society. In mentioned organic compounds and is, systems being used. In addition to the applications’, ‘TOC in daily practice’ and
Europe alone, there are numerous laws, therefore, a measure of organic pollu- different concentration ranges, TOC ‘TOC process analysis.’
ordinances and administrative regula- tion in a matrix. analysis repeatedly faces different types
tions describing the environmental con- of conditions such as salt content or
ditions needed to ensure a certain envi- The relevance of the TOC parameter number of particles.
ronmental standard. Instrumental analy- becomes clear when looking at the
sis is a useful tool to measure the status parameter lists of various regulations in Shimadzu offers various solutions for
of environmental conditions. European countries: the Waste Disposal these different applications. The TOC-L
Ordinance, the Waste Technical Guide- family is module-based. Two basic ana-
Looking at the numbers of possible lines, the Landfill Ordinance, the Ordi- lyzer types can be equipped with many
chemical contaminations (compounds), nance pertaining to the Recovery of options, kits and numerous accessories
the group of organic compounds is the Waste, the Stowing Directive, the Drink- and customized to any particular appli-
largest. With an estimated number of ing Water Ordinance and the Waste- cation. This makes the TOC-L one of the
more than 19 million, it is impossible to water Ordinance are just some that most universal TOC analyzers.
detect and quantify each and every one mention TOC as a valuable parameter.
of them. Further details can be found in the indi-
TOC analysis is therefore carried out in a vidual application notes (for instance
The sum parameter TOC (Total Organic wide variety of environmental matrices: ‘TOC determination in drinking water,
Carbon) is one of the most important from groundwater to seawater, from wastewater or suspensions’).