Page 63 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 63

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         Calibration with automatic dilution

                                                                ■ Calibration with automatic dilution
                                                                To create  calibration  curves, the dilution
                                                                function is activated via the wizard:

            The core feature of the TOC-L series is the
            ISP      module       (Integrated     Sample
            Pretreatment). The ISP module consists of an        When filling the data of the calibration points,
            8-port valve and a syringe with sparging gas        the concentration of the standard solution
            connector.  In addition to acidification and        (stock) is  entered first, followed by the
            sparging in the syringe, the system enables         desired calibration curve point. The software
            automated dilution. This allows for the wide        calculates the required dilution factor:
            measuring range, dilutes highly polluted
            samples and enables the creation of dilution
            series from a stock solution. The various
            possibilities offered by the ISP module thus
            reduce the time expenditure by the user.

                                                                Since fractional factors are allowed, it is
                                 Fig. ISP-Module of TOC-L       possible to create a 10-point calibration curve
                                 series                         with equidistant concentration intervals from
                                                                one standard solution.
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