Page 67 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 67


            ■ Instrument blank value                            ■ Reagents – blank value
            Due to the ubiquity of certain compounds,           Reagents, such as hydrochloric acid, often
            potential minute leaks in the instrument and        stand unobserved and unintentionally next to
            possibly persistent deposits or biofilms, can       the instrument for months and absorb vast
            lead to area values that originate from the         amounts of organic carbon from the
            instrument itself and not from the measured         environment     (‘from   a    blank    value
            sample. To determine  this value, the ‘blank        perspective’). For the determination of such
            check’ procedure can be performed:                  reagent blank values, the standard addition
                                                                method is suitable.
            For this purpose, the  system (TOC-LCPH)
            carries out an automatic analysis of                ■ Contaminations from the environment
            circulating  ultrapure water. The resulting         At last, the blank value is discussed that can
            condensation is collected in a suitable             arise from  everywhere in the environment
            container inside the  instrument. As soon as        and can enter the analysis from various
            enough condensed water is available, the            sources.    People    and   their   industrial
            water is circulated,  i.e. it is injected again.    landscapes are the source of a large variety
            This procedure is carried out 50 times and it       of organic carbon compounds. Humans
            can, therefore, be assumed that the final           themselves consist of 18.2 % organic carbon
            determined area value corresponds to the            and lose, for example, 1 – 2 g skin particles
            actual instrument blank value.                      per day. These generally settle in the form of

                                                                house dust.
                                                                 In addition to carbon originating from our
                                                                own bodies, carbon sources present in
                                                                cosmetics  or toiletries such as soaps,
                                                                deodorants, perfumes, after-shaves skin
                                                                creams, ointments, plays an important role.
                                                                Also the laboratory harbors large sources of
                                                                organic carbon compounds.
                                                                Room air contains numerous pollutants that

                                                                can easily  bind to dust particles and can
                                                                therefore also be present in house dust.
            Note: The  determination of the instrument          Finally, it should not be overlooked that room
            blank value is also suitable for intensive          air contains approximately 0.4 vol% / 0.06
            cleaning of the flow lines and for the ‘breaking    mass% (400 / 600 ppm) CO 2.
            in’ a newly built-in catalyst. As this is a very
            time    consuming     method,     it   should
            preferentially be carried out overnight.
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