Page 62 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 62

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         Kit for manual injection


            The manual injection kit enables the analysis       For gas samples, a distinction can be made
            of water samples and gases. The sample for          between total carbon (for instance CO or
            TC determination is directly injected into the      CH 4) and CO 2.
            combustion chamber using a µL syringe. This
            is interesting for applications where only a        The kit consists of two injection blocks, which
            very small sample volume is available.              can be easily installed in the TOC system.
                                                                One of the injection blocks is used instead of
                                                                the IC-port; the other block replaces the TC
                                                                injection block.

            The kit for small sample volumes is a module        This conversion does  not take longer than
            for TOC analyzers that can be used for              one minute.
            automated sample preparation and analysis           ■ Specification
            of small sample amounts. The methods can            For liquid samples:
            be optimized in such a way that only a few          Measurement range:  TC, IC: to 20.000 mg/L
            mL of the sample are required. Optimization         Injection volume:    150µl maximal
            should, however, not be at the expense of the       Measurement time:  TC, IC: 3 minutes
            intermediate rinsing step.
                                                                Reproducibility:     RSD: 2%
            When even smaller amounts than the few                                   (over 8.000mg/L: 3% )
            milliliters are available, the TOC-L user can       For gas samples:
            fall back on the manual injection kit.              Measurement range:  6ppm to 100% CO 2
                                                                Injection volume:    20µl bis 10mL
                                                                Measurement time:  2 – 4 Minuten
                                                                Reproducibility:     RSD: 2%
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