Page 70 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 70

6. TOC process analysis

        Laboratory analysis yields comprehen-  informative data on the organic pollu-  ment (availability) are of major impor-  protocol is available. An optional web
        sive and detailed results but, depending  tion levels of waters. TOC process analy-  tance. After all, it is important that the  browser enables access to the instru-
        on circumstances, requires much time –  sis offers this possibility. The sample is  analyzer can measure autonomously  ment from any network-connected com-
        time that is often not available during  fed continuously to the instrument for  and transmit reliable analytical data.  puter.
        ongoing operations. For this reason,  subsequent measurement. The instru-
        operators of different types of plants  ment sends the analytical data to the  With its TOC-4200 series, Shimadzu  More information can be found in vari-
        increasingly use sum parameters, which  control room, which can react promptly  offers an online analyzer that, with its  ous application notes (for instance ‘TOC
        can also be determined continuously  to any possible process changes.  various modules, kits and options, pro-  determination in the paper industry,
        during the actual process. Contrary to                 vides exactly the flexibility needed and  sewage treatment plants and power
        conventional laboratory analysis, it is  One of the most important attributes of  can be equipped for the most diverse  plants’). In addition to TOC process
        not an individual substance but an  a TOC process analyzer is its versatility.  applications. A selection of sampling  analysis, information is also available on
        entire substance group that is deter-  Since a TOC process system is not avail-  techniques is available: from a single-  the application areas ‘Pharmaceutical
        mined here. In process waters from the  able ‘off-the-shelf’, each measurement  stream sampler to a sample exchanger  industry’, ‘Chemical Industry’, ‘TOC spe-
        chemical industry, sum parameters serve  task must be customized to the particu-  for six different sample streams, without  cial applications’, ‘TOC in daily practice’
        as an indicator of contaminations or all  lar measuring problem, the matrix and  or with homogenizer for water contain-  and ‘Environmental analysis.’
        kinds of substance loads.  the sampling location. The analyzer  ing particles.
                                   must be tailored to the specific measur-
        One of the most important chemical  ing task and not vice versa.  The TOC-4200 stands out not only in
        sum parameters is the TOC. It is a meas-               terms of its robustness but also by its
        ure of the organic pollution level or the  Various types of sampling systems as  reliability. The TOC-4200 already inte-
        organic constituents in the matrix.  well as kits and options for the many  grates the most advanced communica-
                                   diverse applications are therefore essen-  tion channels to the control room. In
        Particularly during process control it is  tial. In addition to suitable equipment,  addition to the conventional communi-
        important to obtain fast, continuous and  robustness and service life of the instru-  cation modes, a Modbus communication
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