Page 75 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 75

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                        Continuous TOC determination in the

                                        chemical industry

            The high demand for many different products         be polluted with high  salt loads.  For TOC
            from the chemical industry and the required         determination    in   wastewater,    catalytic
            efficiency of the manufacturing  processes          combustion has become the  method of
            often requires around-the-clock production.         choice based on its higher oxidation potential,
            This results in huge amounts of wastewater.         especially for particles.
            This water mostly originates from flowing
            water bodies.                                       ■ Are high salt loads a problem?
                                                                During thermal catalytic combustion of the
                                                                test sample, the dissolved salts crystallize.
                                                                High salt loads can  lead to pollution of the
                                                                catalyst, or even clogging of the system.
                                                                Maintenance     measures      (for   instance
                                                                exchanging the catalyst) would then be
                                                                required in order to render the instrument
                                                                operational again. Of course, it is desirable to
                                                                keep the maintenance  intervals as long as

            Industrial wastewaters must be pretreated           The TOC-4200 offers various possibilities to
            before being discharged into public sewage          keep the maintenance needs for highly
            treatment plants. Direct discharge into water       polluted samples at a minimum.  The TOC-
            bodies requires an extensive cleaning               4200 with catalytic combustion at 680 °C is a
            process. This is why many large companies           high-performance analyzer. This temperature
            or industrial parks  operate their own              is lower than the melting point  of sodium
            wastewater treatment plants.                        chloride   and    will,  therefore,  prevent
                                                                deactivation of the active centers of the
            ■    TOC     determination    in   industrial       catalyst by a melt. The use of  a platinum
            wastewater                                          catalyst ensures the complete conversion of
            The TOC content (Total Organic Carbon) is a         the organic compounds to CO 2. The  highly
            measure of the concentration of  organically        sensitive NDIR detector allows small injection
            bound carbon and is  an indication of the           volumes (typically 20 - 50 µL) that reduce the
            pollution level by organic compounds in             absolute sample  input onto  the catalyst.  A
            wastewater. This is why the TOC is often            further reduction can be achieved using the
            used in sewage treatment plants as                  integrated dilution function.
            measuring parameter to monitor and optimize
            the treatment process and to calculate
            pollution levels. The matrix in industrial
            effluents can vary greatly and can – prior to
            sewage treatment –
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