Page 78 - Application Handbook - TOC
P. 78


            Numerous  status and  alarm signals simplify        whereby the inorganic carbon content
            detection  of exceeded limit levels and             (carbonates and hydrogen carbonates) is
            indicate the need for maintenance.  A               removed prior to the actual analysis. For this
            Modbus         communication         channel        purpose, the sample  is drawn from the
            complements           the        conventional       continuous sample stream into a syringe and
            communication modes. An optional web                automatically acidified via the 8-port valve
            browser gives access to the instrument from         (pH 2).
            any networked computer.                             Using the sparging gas connection, the CO 2
                                                                formed (from the carbonates and hydrogen
            ■ Sampling                                          carbonates) is purged from the sample. The
            For the 4200 series, various sample                 remaining solution containing the organic
            preparation systems are available, which can        components      is   subsequently    injected
            be optimally tuned to the individual                (septum-free) into the oxidation unit using the
            application area. As condensates are                sliding valve technique. The syringe and 8-
            homogeneous samples (in contrast to                 port valve allows automatic dilution and
            wastewater), an extra sample preparation            creation of calibration curves.
            step is not necessary. Two sampling systems
            are, therefore, suitable:                           ■ TOC measurement in the condensate
              an overflow tube, from which the sample          The system is calibrated using a 2-point
                is automatically drawn.                         calibration  curve, blank water and 2 mg/L.
              filling the  sampling chamber through a          This is realized using a standard catalyst and
                strainer (50 Mesh), in  case the sample         an injection volume  of 200 µL. Typical
                does contain particles  that need to be         measuring values are around 0.2 mg/L.
                removed      prior   to    measurement.         The measuring values of 275 consecutive
                Compressed air empties the chamber and          measurements of a condensate monitoring
                cleans the strainer.                            are presented in the Figure below:

                                                                The mean value is 0.208 mg/L with a
                                                                standard deviation of 0.006 mg/L. The results
                                                                show that the required detection limit of 0.05
                                                                mg/L presents no problem.
                             Fig. Sampling
                                                                ■ Recommended analyzer / Configuration
            ■ TOC measuring method
            TOC determination is often carried out via the      TOC-4200
            NPOC method,                                        Backwash Strainer Sampling unit
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