Page 101 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 101

Application  No.L478

                                                               Fig. 3 shows the chromatogram obtained from analysis of a
                                                               pramipexole dihydrochloride standard solution (1.5 mg/mL)
              2000                                             using the analytical conditions of Table 3, in which the
                                                               permissible limits of Table 2 are satisfied. The lower
                                      Pramipexole              chromatogram presents an expanded view of the region from
              1500                                             1 to 3 minutes. To conduct the accelerated analysis, the
                                                               optional "Low-volume Tubing Kit" was used, and for the
                                                               column, the Kinetex 2.6 µm core-shell column for high-speed
              1000                                             analysis was used. The elution time of the principal
                                                               component occurred about three minutes earlier than when
                                                               using the Kinetex 5 µm core-shell column.
                                                               In addition, it is clear from the results of the system suitability
                                                               test shown in Table 4, the system suitability requirement is
                 0                                             fully satisfied in all respects, including conforming to the EP
                                                               conditions as well as from the standpoint of satisfying the
                  0.0      2.5      5.0      7.5     min
                                                               conditions associated with high-speed analysis.
                                                                    Table 3  Analytical Conditions - High Speed Analysis
                                      Pramipexole               Mobile Phase   : A) 67 mmol/L Phosphate (Potassium) Buffer (pH 3.0)
                5                                               Column      : Kinetex 2.6µ C18 100A (75 mm L × 4.6 mm I.D., 2.6 µm)
                                                                            : 2.0 mL/min
                4                                                             Containing 21 mmol/L 1-Octanesulfonic Acid
                                                                              Sodium Salt
                                                                             B) Solution A / Acetonitrile (1/1)
                                                                Time program   : B Conc. 40 % (0 min) → 80 % (5.63 min)
                                                                             → 40 % (5.64 - 8.63 min)
                3                                                            Ontime injection: 230 µL
                                                                Column Temp.   : 40 ˚C
                                       B                        Injection Volume  : 2 µL
                2             E  A      C                       Detection   : LC-2030C at 264 nm
                                                                Flow Cell
                                                                            : High-speed High-sensitivity Cell
                   (a)                                            Table 4  Results of System Suitability Test According to EP
                                                                  System   Reference  EP-Equivalent  High-Speed
                    (b)                                         Suitability Item  Value  Condition  Condition  Judgment
                                                                - Impurity A and   ≧ 6.0  8.2  9.7     PASS
                  0.0      2.5      5.0      7.5     min
              Fig. 2  Chromatograms of Pramipexole Dihydrochloride   1500
                   Upper: Prominence-i
                   Lower: Enlarged Views of Data Using (a) Third-Party    1000          Pramipexole
                        System and (b) Prominence-i
            n High-Speed Analysis of Impurities of Pramipexole
               Dihydrochloride                                        0
            We investigated the speed-up of analysis of pramipexole
            hydrochloride-related substances in accordance with the    0.0     1.0     2.0    3.0    min
            EP. Table 2 shows the permissible ranges within which the   mV
            HPLC parameters may be changed as stipulated in the EP. 2)  3
             Table 2  Permissible Ranges of HPLC Conditions Specified in EP
                     Item             Permissible Range             1                   B
             Mobile Phase (Minor substances)  Select ±30 % or absolute quantity ±2 %,   E  A  C
                               whichever is larger
                     (Other substances) Absolute quantity ±10 % change is permitted  0
             pH                ±0.2 % change permissible
             Salt Concentration   ±10 % change permissible
             UV Wavelength     No change permitted                   1.0    1.5     2.0     2.5    3.0 min
             Column Inner Diameter   ±25 % change permissible
             Particle Size     Decrease up to 50 % permissible,
                               increase not permitted          Fig. 3  Chromatograms of Pramipexole Dihydrochloride – High-Speed Analysis
             Flowrate          ±50 % change permissible             (with Low-volume Tubing Kit)
             Column Temperature   ±10 % change permissible (Max 60 °C)
             Injection Volume   Change permissible as long as system   [References]
                               suitability requirement is satisfied  1) E. Pharmacopoeia 01/2012: 2416 “Pramipexole Dihydrochloride”
                                                               2) E. Pharmacopoeia 01/2008: 20246 General Chapters
                                                                 2. 2. 46. Chromatographic separation technique

                                                                                                      First Edition: Jan. 2015

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2015
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