Page 96 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 96


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Omeprazole by "i-Series" for USP and JP


            Omeprazole, a drug that effectively suppresses the excessive   n Speed Enhancement for USP Method
            secretion of gastric acid, is often used for the treatment of   The permissible ranges within which the analytical
            gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, in addition to the treatment   conditions may be modified are specified in the USP General
            of reflux esophagitis. Acting as a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI),   Chapters: <621> Chromatography. Changing these
            omeprazole is included in the WHO Model List of Essential   analytical conditions within range makes it possible to
            Medicine, and considered an important component of basic   shorten the analysis time. For details regarding changes that
            medical care.                                      can be used to allow fast USP-compliant analysis, please
            This Application News introduces an example of analysis of   refer to Application News L464.
            omeprazole in accordance with the Japanese Pharmacopoeia   Shortening analysis time can be accomplished in two ways,
            (JP) and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Also   1) by shortening the column, and 2) by increasing the
            presented here is an example of analysis that can be   flowrate (linear velocity). To preserve the resolution of the
            completed in a significantly shorter time than that described   column, the column length and particle size may be modified
            in the USP General Chapter 621 Chromatography.     as long as the ratio of L (column length) to dp (column
            The Nexera-i integrated UHPLC was used for the analysis by   particle size) remains in the specified range (permissible
            the procedure described in the USP. The Nexera-i supports   range: -25 % to +50 %). We selected a column size of
            the use of analytical conditions specified for both HPLC and   50 mmL. × 3.0 mm I.D., and 2 µm particle size. For further
            UHPLC. In the case of compliance (HPLC conditions) with   details, please see Table 2. The flowrate, proportional to the
            the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, we conducted analysis using   column cross-sectional area, and inversely proportional to the
            the Prominence-i integrated HPLC.                  particle diameter (see text for permissible limits), was
                                                               determined as 0.85 mL/min.
                                                               The instrument used for the analysis was the Nexera-i high-
            n The USP Method - Original Method                 speed integrated UHPLC, suitable for multi-sample
            The analytical conditions specified in the USP monograph   processing. The Nexera-i permits analysis using both HPLC
            are shown in Table 1. The results of analysis of the system   and UHPLC conditions, without requiring changes to
            suitability test solution (0.1 mg/mL, acetonitrile-boric acid   plumbing or flow cell type. This flexibility can allow legacy
                                                               HPLC methods to be quickly transferred to UHPLC speed
            solution) specified in the omeprazole test method are   and performance.
            shown in the upper chromatogram of Fig. 1. The results   Table 3 shows the analytical conditions using the higher
            obtained sufficiently satisfy the threshold required with   speed analysis, and the chromatogram obtained from
            respect to both tailing factor and relative standard   analysis of the system suitability test solution is shown in the
            deviation (n = 6) specified in the monograph (Table 4).  lower part of Fig. 1. The analysis time was reduced more
                                                               than 80 percent compared to that using the analytical
                                                               conditions of Table 1 (Fig. 1 upper).
                 Table 1  Analytical Conditions (USP Original Method)  The results of the system suitability test are shown in Table 4.
                                                               Clearly, the threshold value has been satisfied even using
             System     : Nexera-i                             high-speed analysis conditions.
             Column     : Shim-pack GIST C8
                          (150 mmL. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)         mAU
             Mobile Phase    : Acetonitrile/Phosphate (Na) Buffer (pH 7.6) = 1/3 (v/v)  200
             Flowrate    : 0.80 mL/min                              USP Original Method   Omeprazole
             Column Temp.   : 40 ˚C
             Injection Volume  : 20 µL
             Detection    : UV 280 nm (Cell temp. 40 ˚C)

                Table 2  Selection of Column for Speed Enhancement
                               Column Size    L/dp   Ratio        0
                  USP      150 mmL. × 4.6 mm I.D.,    1            0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5  min
              Original Method     5 µm       30000  (100 %)
                  USP      50 mmL. × 3.0 mm I.D.,    0.83         mAU
               Fast Method        2 µm       25000  (-17 %)         USP Fast Method    Omeprazole
                  Table 3  Analytical Conditions (USP Fast Method)  50
             System     : Nexera-i                                30
             Column     : Shim-pack GIST C8                       20
                          (50 mmL. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2 µm)           10
             Mobile Phase    : Acetonitrile/Phosphate (Na) Buffer (pH 7.6) = 1/3 (v/v)  0
             Flowrate    : 0.85 mL/min                             0.0  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0  4.5  min
             Column Temp.   : 40 ˚C
             Injection Volume  : 8 µL                           Fig. 1  Chromatograms Conforming to USP Method
             Detection    : UV 280 nm (Cell temp. 40 ˚C)
                                                                     (Upper: USP Original Method, Lower: USP Fast Method)
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