Page 94 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 94


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Ultra-High Speed Analysis of Ibuprofen by Nexera

                                         in Accordance with USP 621

            High throughput analysis has been advancing        n High Speed Analysis of Impurities in Ibuprofen
            dramatically in recent years with the increasing      with UHPLC Column
            necessity to improve productivity and operational
            efficiency. HPLC has also been in the spotlight thanks to   Ibuprofen is a type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
            significant advances in ultra-high-speed analysis   (NSAID) that is used as an antipyretic and analgesic.
            technology, in particular ultra high performance LC and   Monographs on ibuprofen-related substances using
            micro-particle column packing material. The recently   conventional columns associated with the USP column
            revised General Chapter 621 of the United States   category L1 (C18) are listed in the USP-NF , in which the
            Pharmacopoeia (USP 621) now permits a degree of    analysis method and system suitability are specified for three
            adjustment of HPLC and GC parameters, specifically   substances; ibuprofen and its degradation products
            aimed at satisfying the requirements of system     4-isobutyl acetophenone and valerophenone (internal
            suitability.                                       standard substance).
            Here, using the Nexera ultra high performance liquid   This paper presents our investigation into speeding up the
            chromatograph and the Shim-pack VP-ODS             analysis of ibuprofen-related substances listed in USP-NF in
            conventional column, in addition to the Kinetex XB-C18   compliance with USP 621. For the analytical column, we
            Series Core-Shell fast analysis column, we introduce   selected the Kinetex XB-C18 (100 mmL. × 4.6 mm ID,
            examples of high-speed analysis of ibuprofen-related   2.6 µm) high-speed analytical column, which is within the
            substances in conformance with USP 621.            acceptable range of column adjustment specified in USP 621.
                                                               Except for the column, all other conditions were the same as
            n Allowable Adjustments to HPLC Parameters         those listed in USP-NF. Fig. 1 shows the results of analysis of
                                                               a  mixtur e  of  Ibupr ofen,  Valer ophenone  and
            Table 1 shows the parameters which may be changed   4-Isobutylacetophenone using the Shim-pack VP-ODS and
            according to USP 621, such as column length, particle   Kinetex XB-C18 columns, respectively, and Table 2 shows the
            size and flowrate, etc., in addition to the actual   analytical conditions used for each. Use of the Kinetex XB-
            permissible ranges within which these LC parameters   C18 made it possible to reduce both the analysis time and
            may be changed. After the allowable changes are    solvent consumption to about 1/4 without compromising the
            implemented, no re-validation is required since the   separation. The results of the system suitability test are
            changes are interpreted only as method adjustments.  shown in Table 3 on the following page. The results of this
                                                               study clearly indicate that all of the system suitability
             Table 1  Allowable Adjustments to HPLC Parameters According to USP 621  requirements have been met using the Kinetex XB-C18.
                                 USP General Chapter <621>
             Column Length  ±70 % change allowed                 mAU
             Column Internal   Changes permitted as long as linear velocity is   300  Shim-pack VP-ODS (250 mmL)  2
             Diameter       the same                              250                 1
                            May be reduced to 50 % at maximum.    200
             Particle Size
                            However, may not be increased.        150
             Flowrate       ±50 % change allowed                  100
             Column Temperature  ±10 °C change allowed            50                          3
                            Change is permitted if it satisfies the
             Injection Volume                                      0
                            requirements for system suitability.
             pH             ±0.2 change allowed                     0.0 1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0 11.0 12.0
             UV Wavelength  ±3 nm change allowed                 mAU
             Salt Concentration  ±10 % change allowed             250  KInetex XB-C18 (100 mmL)   2
             Mobile Phase   The smaller of ±30 % or ±10 % of absolute   200           1
             Composition    volume to be selected.
                         Table 2  Analytical Conditions           50                         3
             System    : Nexera Method Scouting                    0
             Column    : (1) Shim-pack VP-ODS (250 mmL. × 4.6 mm I.D., 4.6 µm)  0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
                         (2) Kinetex XB-C18 (100 mmL. × 4.6 mm I.D., 2.6 µm)  ■Peaks
             Mobile Phase  : A: 1 % (wt / v)Chloroacetic Acid Water          1. Ibuprofen (12 mg/mL)
                          (pH 3.0 adjusted with ammonium hydroxide)          2. Valerophenone (0.35 mg/mL)
                         B: Acetonitrile                                     3. 4-Isobutylacetophenone (0.012 mg/mL)
                         A/B = 2/3 (v/v)
             Flowrate   : 2.0 mL/min                           Fig. 1  Comparison of the Shim-pack VP-ODS and Kinetex XB-C18
             Column Temp. : 30 °C                                   Series Columns -Chromatograms of a Standard Mixture of
             Injection Vol.  : (1) 5 µL                             Ibuprofen, 4-Isobutylacetophenone and Valerophenone
                         (2) 1 µL                                   Upper: Shim-pack VP-ODS (250 mmL)
             Detection   : SPD-20AV at 254 nm                       Lower: Kinetex XB-C18 (100 mmL)
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