Page 9 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 9

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                         Kit for high-salt samples


            Samples with high-salt loads generally are a        While NaCl has a melting point of 801 °C, the
            problem  for  TOC  analysis.  The  problem  is      melting  point  of  Na 2SO 4  is  higher  (888  °C).
            less the conversion of organic compounds to         The potassium salts of sulfuric acid also have
            CO 2 than the effects  of the salt on the           a significantly higher melting point than those
            catalyst.  This  leads  to  higher  maintenance     of hydrochloric acid. This has a positive effect
            needs,  as  the  salt  can  crystallize  in  the    on the lifetime of the combustion tube.
            combustion system.

            In many applications for the instruments in              Compound              Melting point
            the  TOC-L  and  the  TOC-4110/4200  series,                NaCl                   801°C
            the  kit  for  salt-containing  samples  is  an
            important component. It consists of a                        KCl                   773°C
            combustion tube of a special geometry and a                                        888°C
            unique mixture of catalyst beads.                          Na 2SO 4
                                                                        MgCl 2                 708°C

                                                                        CaCl 2                 782°C
                                                                        K 2SO 4               1.069°C
                                                                         Tab. Melting point of different salts

                                                                Results indicate that  the stability of the
                                                                catalyst is increased, and that up to 12 times
                                                                the number of samples can be  measured
                                                                before  the  catalyst must be  exchanged and
                                                                the instrument needs servicing.

            ■ Sample preparation
            In this application, sample acidification is
            carried out with sulfuric acid which is used to
            modify the sample matrix.

                                                                               Fig. Catalyst filling
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