Page 4 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 4


            The  TOC  is  calculated  from  the  difference     ■ Addition method
            between TC and TIC: TOC = TC - TIC                  For the addition method, the parameters POC
                                                                and  NPOC  are  measured.  The  TOC  is  then
            ■ Limitations of the difference method              calculated.
            The inorganic carbon content may not be too
            high in comparison to the TOC.                      POC:  Degassing of the volatile compounds
            Error propagation can result in a high level of     with subsequent catalytic combustion at
            uncertainty for the calculated TOC value. The       680°C  and  determination  of  the  resulting
            EN 1484 standard recommends that the TOC            carbon dioxide using NDIR detection.
            value, when using the differential method,
            should  be  higher  or  equal  to  the  TIC  value   NPOC: Measurement of the non-purgeable
            (TOC ≥ TIC).                                        organic compounds, after POC analysis
                                                                using  catalytic combustion at  680°C and
            Example:                                            subsequent determination of the resulting
                                                                carbon dioxide using NDIR detection.
            TC – Value =  100 mg/l (RSD = 2%) ± 2 mg/l
                          (98 – 102 mg/l)                       The TOC is calculated via addition:
            IC – Value =   98 mg/l (RSD= 2%) ± 1,96 mg/l        TOC = POC + NPOC
                          (96,04 – 99,96mg/l)
                                                                ■ Direct method
            TOC = 2 mg/l  ± 3,96mg/l  (- 1,96 - 5,96 mg/l)      For the direct or NPOC method, it is assumed
                                                                that the sample does not  contain any
            Due to error propagation, the total error is ±      significant amounts of volatile or purgeable
            3.96 mg/L.                                          organic compounds. According to this
                                                                assumption, the TOC is directly determined
            According to the difference method, the error       as NPOC.
            of the total result is larger than the calculated
            TOC  content!  In  the  worst  case,  this  can     NPOC:  Acidification  of  the  sample  using  a
            result in a negative TOC value.                     mineral acid (for instance HCL) to a pH < 2,
                                                                whereby      carbonates     and     hydrogen

                                                                carbonates  are  completely  converted  to
                                                                carbon  dioxide.  The  carbon  dioxide  is
                                                                removed  from  the  sample  solution  via  a
                                                                sparge gas. Direct  NPOC measurement
                                                                (similar to TC measurement) via oxidation to
                                                                CO 2. Subsequent NDIR detection.

                                                                The TOC corresponds to the NPOC:
                                                                TOC = NPOC
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