Page 7 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 7

Sum parameter – Total Organic Carbon

                                        TN b – total bound nitrogen


            Although nitrogen compounds are  essential          ■ Total nitrogen TN b
            for nature and the environment, high nitrogen       The  variety  of  possible  nitrogen  compounds
            depositions  can  lead  to  problems.  Nitrogen     necessitated the definition of a sum
            compounds enter the  environment primarily          parameter that represents the total nitrogen
            through  agricultural  processes.  Nitrogen-        compounds. For this purpose, the so-called
            containing  fertilizers  constitute  the  largest   TN b (total bound nitrogen) was defined and
            proportion. But nitrogen compounds can also         standardized.
            enter the environment via chemical industrial
            processes.                                          The TN b is the total nitrogen content of  a
                                                                sample in the form of ammonium, nitrite,
            Excessively high concentrations of nitrogen         nitrate, as well as organic compounds. The
            compounds  in  the  environment  can  cause         TN b does not include dissolved or  gaseous
            eutrophication of water bodies. Eutrophication      nitrogen (N 2). A differentiation between
            is the process of uninhibited growth of algae       inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds is,
            and other organisms due to an excess supply         by definition, not possible.
            of nutrients. This overgrowth results in a lack
            of oxygen in the water, which can lead to fish
            mortality and to the formation of aquatic dead

            Bound  nitrogen  occurs  in  nearly  all  waters,
            mostly in the form of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite
            or organic compounds.

                                                                ■ Determination according EN 12260
                                                                EN 12260 describes the determination of
                                                                nitrogen in the form of free ammonia,
                                                                ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and organic
                                                                compounds that can be converted under the
                                                                described oxidative conditions.
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