Page 10 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 10


            ■ Endurance test
            To determine the performance of this option,
            a brine solution was measured in a long-term
            test. For this purpose, a 28 % NaCl solution
            (matrix  adapted  with  a  15  %  sulfuric  acid
            solution and spiked to a 5 ppm TOC solution
            using a KPH solution) was injected 220 times.
            Initially, a blank value and a control standard
            with  10  ppm  TOC  were  measured.  The
            control  standards  were  tested  after  110  and
            220 injections, respectively. The injection
            volume was 50 µL.
                                                                ■ Recommended Analyzer / Configuration
            The  following  figure  shows  the  excellent       TOC-L  CXX
            reproducibilities and the stability of the          ASI-L
            measurement.                                        Kit for high-salt samples
                                                                B-Type Scrubber
                                                                (At very high halogen  concentrations in the
                 High Salt Conbutiuon tube 28%NaCl in 5mg/LKHP[Inj:50uL Acid:15%]
                                     Concentratoin   50         matrix, the B-type scrubber is recommended.
                                                                This scrubber protects the detector cell of the
               Concentration[mg/L]  8 6 4            30  Area   NDIR detector.)

                0 2                                  10
                  0     50     100   150    200    250

                       Fig. Results of endurance test

            ■ Related application
            The high-salt kit is used for many different
            applications in order to keep the maintenance
            need for difficult matrices as low as possible.

              104 TOC-Determination in seawater
              304 TOC-Determination in brine solution
              306 TOC-Determination in soda solution
              308 TOC-Determination in sodium nitrate
              603 TOC-Determination in chemical
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