Page 8 - 5_TOC in daily practice
P. 8


            The  conversion  of  the  nitrogen  containing      Subsequently, the gas mixture enters the
            compounds takes place via combustion in an          chemiluminescence  detector,  connected  in
            oxygen atmosphere higher than 700 °C to             series, where the nitrogen content is
            nitrogen  oxide,  which  reacts  with  ozone  to    determined (See Figure below).
            activated nitrogen dioxide (NO 2*). In the
            subsequent reaction to NO 2, light quanta are
            emitted    (chemiluminescence)     that   are
            measured by the detector.

            ■ Simultaneous TN determination using
            the TNM-L
            Based  on the  similar  oxidation  process,  the
            TN b determination can be carried out
            simultaneously with the TOC  measurement.
            For this application,  the TNM-L option is
            installed  on the top  of the main TOC-L

                                                                      Fig. Simultaneous TOC/TN-Determination

                                                                It should be noted that an optimal injection
                                                                volume    must    be    selected   for  both

                     Fig. TOC-L CSH with TNM-L Modul            parameters.

            The  benefit  is  that  no  additional  laboratory   ■ Recommended Analyzer / Configuration
            space is required.
                                                                TOC-L  CXX with TNM-L
            For the simultaneous determination, the             ASI-L
            sample is injected onto the catalyst at 720 °C.
            All carbon  atoms present in the sample are
            converted to CO 2 and, in parallel, the nitrogen
            atoms  to  NO.  The  gas  mixture  is  then
            transported by the carrier gas stream through
            the NDIR detector, where the carbon dioxide
            content is measured.
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