Page 13 - ICPMS-2040 Series
P. 13

Peripheral Equipment

 AS-20 Autosampler (P/N 211-97400-58)
 The rotary-type autosampler has 60 15-mL and 8 50-mL vial positions.   Vacuum Pump
 Dimensions  W290 × D508 × H300 mm (excluding arm)  Note: Requires a separate power cord.
 Note: An additional rinsing port is optional
 Power supply  Single-phase 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 50 VA  A rotary or dry pump is required for backing the turbomolecular pump and evacuating the interface
 Rinse Port Additional Kit for AS-20 (P/N 211-97460-41).
 Weight  11 kg (main unit)  unit. Power is supplied to the pump from the ICPMS main unit.
                Rotary Pump, PFPE (P/N 211-90070-42)          Dry Pump (P/N 211-96382-91)
 ASX-560 Autosampler  ASX-280 Autosampler
 (P/N 211-94230-01)  (P/N 211-94412)  This pump is lubricated with a PFPE oil that allows the   This oil-free dry pump has low maintenance requirements.
               pump to be used for applications ranging from regular
 ASX-560 holds 240 14-mL vials and   ASX-280 holds 120 14-mL vials and   analysis to LC-ICP-MS analysis.
 10 50-mL vials for standards. By   10 50-mL vials for standards. By
 replacing the standard rack with a   replacing the standard rack with a   Dimensions  W496 × D295 × H325 mm  Dimensions  W494 × D217 × H301 mm
 rack sold separately, 160 20-mL vials   rack sold separately, 80 20-mL
 or 84 50-mL vials can be held.   vials or 42 50-mL vials can be held.   Weight  Approx. 50 kg  Weight  Approx. 30 kg
 Dimensions  W580 × D550 × H620 mm (including sample probe)  Dimensions  W360 × D550 × H660 mm (including sample probe)
                          Name                P/N                           Remarks
 Power supply  100–240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 200 VA  Power supply  100-240V AC, 50/60Hz, 200 VA
                Caster                     225-27850-05  Rotary pump stand with caster wheels
 Weight  12 kg (main unit)  Weight  8.1 kg (main unit)
 Note: Requires a separate ASX connection kit for ICPMS (P/N   Note: Requires a separate ASX connection kit for ICPMS (P/N   Noise Absorbing Box, Large  225-27850-07  Requires a separate rotary pump noise reduction box kit (P/N
 211-94476-41).  211-94476-41).
                Vacuum Hose Elbow Connection  211-96090-41  Required for placing the pump under the support stand
                Long Vacuum Hose, 4 m      211-97232-42  For extending the rotary pump exhaust hose
 Online Internal Standard Kit  Organic Solvent Injection System   RP Power Cable, 3 m  211-95576-41  For extending the exhaust hose
 (P/N 211-95010-41)  (P/N 211-97019-41)
 This kit is used for in-line   For analysis of organic solvents, a gas mixture of 70%
 mixing of sample and   argon and 30% oxygen is introduced into the torch to   Cooling Water Circulator  Used to cool the main unit. Select one of the following.
 internal standard solution   prevent precipitation of carbon (C) from organic solvents.
 and introducing the mixture   This system includes a gas controller for mixed gases, a
 into the nebulizer.  quadruple torch for organic solvents, and pump tubing
 for organic solvents (for ethanol/methanol/IPA).  Standard Model   Non-Freon Model
                Cooling Water Circulator, SMC                   Cooling Water Circulator,
                (P/N 211-97273-41)                              Apiste (P/N 211-97274-41)
 HFS-6 Hydrofluoric Acid Sample   Standard Torch Kit (P/N 211-97222-41)
 Injection System (P/N 211-93828-42)
                Dimensions  W377 × D500 × H615 mm              Dimensions  W400 × D600 × H697 mm
 This kit includes a torch with a 1.8 mm injector bore
 This system is used to directly introduce samples that   diameter that supports a 1.6 kW high-frequency output as   Power supply  Single-phase 200 to 230 V,   Power supply  Three-phase 200 V 50/60 Hz,
 contain hydrofluoric acid. Fluoropolymer materials are   well as a compatible shield screen, bonnet, and adapter.  50/60 Hz, 1.2 kVA  1.2 kVA
 used in the nebulizer, chamber, and drain system, whereas   Weight  43 kg  Weight  58 kg
 alumina is used in the injector unit on the torch.
               Note: Requires a separate chiller connection kit, SMC (P/N   Note: Requires a separate chiller connection kit, Apiste (P/N
 Water Bubbler (P/N 204-19281)  211-93827-43).                 211-93827-42).
 Cyclone Chamber, Quartz   This is used to humidify argon gas and prevent clogging
 (P/N 211-95849)  of the torch and nebulizer when analyzing high TDS
 samples.      Gas-Related Equipment
 This chamber is used to analyze trace boron, which is
 challenging to analyze using a standard borosilicate glass
 chamber.  LC Connection Kit (P/N 211-96650-41)  Name  P/N                     Remarks
                                                              Argon gas pressure regulator and connecting components
 This connection kit is required for configuring an   Gas Piping Connection Kit  211-97464-41  for installation directly in front of the ICPMS main unit
 LC-ICP-MS system that combines an ICPMS-2040/2050            Gas cylinder pressure regulator for argon gas or oxygen-argon
 3rd Gas Introduction Unit   Series system with a Nexera inert series or Prominence   Regulator, LAB1-1414V  040-72030-01  mixture gas
 (P/N 211-96095-41)  inert analysis system. For information about compatible   Regulator, S2-1VR-1G8G-B6N1  040-72028-01  Gas cylinder pressure regulator for helium gas
 This gas controller unit is for using a 10 % ammonia and   LC systems, contact Shimadzu.  Pressure Regulator for H2  221-35999-02  Gas cylinder pressure regulator for hydrogen gas
 90 % helium gas mixture as the reaction gas in an   Regulator, S2-1ER-1G8G-B1N1  040-72028-31  Gas cylinder pressure regulator for third-gas
 ICPMS-2050 system.
 LabSolutions ICPMS TRM   Half Union, F900-G-6.35B  035-56521-04  For connecting polypropylene tubing for argon gas or
 (P/N 211-49200-92)                                           oxygen-argon mixture gas
                Half Union, C1N1/4XPT1/4          035-65503   Joint for argon gas or oxygen-argon mixture gas tubing
 This software is for controlling Shimadzu LC and   Carrier Gas Piping with Fittings, 2.5 m  201-48067  Stainless steel tubing for helium gas lines
 ICPMS-2040/2050 Series systems and analyzing chromatog-  Gas Inlet Tubing with Fittings, 2.5 m  221-73474-25  Stainless steel tubing for hydrogen gas lines
 raphy data.
                Carrier Gas Tubing, 2 m           211-94942   Stainless steel tubing for third-gas lines
                PP Tube, 44-PP White              016-43505   Polypropylene tubing for oxygen-argon mixture gas lines
                                              Note: A hydrogen gas generator can also be used. Contact Shimadzu for further details.

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