Page 15 - LifeScience Solution for FNIRS
P. 15

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

 NIRS Signal Analysis Method                                                                                          Light to Measure Brain Function  Principle of Using Near Infrared

 Data                                                                                                                 Imaging  Optical Brain-Function

 Various non invasive methods are available to measure brain activity. One of these, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), has   This example shows the simultaneous measurement of brain activity by NIRS and fMRI while performing three arithmetic tasks with
 helped clarify higher order brain functions such as cognition and language. However, fMRI does not permit the subject's body, the   different degrees of difficulty. The method we developed was then used to create brain activity images. Standard scores were applied to
 head in particular, to move during measurements, which is problematic for brain function measurements in natural situations. At the   the NIRS signals after multiresolution analysis and the signals from the nine subjects were averaged to create brain activity images.
 same time, interests in near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has increased in recent years. As NIRS permits brain function measurements in   Fig. 3 shows comparisons between the fMRI and NIRS brain function images. Both show that the higher the degree of difficulty of the
 natural situations, it may support applications that fMRI cannot address. There is much debate about how to interpret signals obtained   arithmetic task, the greater the activity of both lateral frontal lobes.   bilitation  Neuroreha-
 by NIRS, and it is problematic that no statistical signal processing method has yet been determined. Signals obtained by NIRS contain
 noise from the measurement instrument and effects from the subject's pulse, breathing and blood pressure fluctuations. Relative   NIRS  fMRI
 changes in NIRS signal values after the start of measurements make it difficult to compare data between subjects or to evaluate
 general trends during tasks.
                       Low degree of difficulty                                                                       fNIRS and fMRI  Comparison of

 Signal Processing by Multiresolution Analysis and Applying Standard Scores  Addition of single
                              digits with no
 A method is required to eliminate the signals unrelated to brain activity and to evaluate general brain activities during tasks. We have   carry-over
 developed such a method. In the method, multiresolution analysis by discrete wavelet transform divides the NIRS signals into various   Example: 3 + 5
 frequency components, as shown in Fig. 1 The signal components corresponding to the task are then extracted and the signals are   Motor Control  Brain Activity during
 expressed as standard scores.

 Raw signal  S
                      Medium degree of difficulty
 a 1                                                                                                                  Measurement with EEG  Simultaneous
 d 1
 (Low-frequency components)   (High-frequency components)   Addition of three numbers
                            Example: 6 + 5 + 9
 a 2  d 2
 Frequency components related to task                                                                                 Analysis Method  NIRS Signal

 a 3  d 3

 Fig. 1  Multiresolution Analysis  High degree of difficulty               Z-score
 Fig. 2 shows a comparison between the raw signals and the signal components related to brain activity that were extracted by   Subtraction and division  Inner Speech  Investigating
 multiresolution analysis and reconstructed. It is apparent that the analyzed signals more clearly show the Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb   using decimals
 fluctuations.           Example: 72 (0.45 - 0.32)                              0
 Oxy-Hb  Deoxy-Hb                                                             -1.5
 Hb concentration  fluctuations (mM cm)  -0.02  Introduced here is a method of NIRS signal analysis using a combination of multiresolution analysis by discrete wavelet transform and
 Raw signal  0.02 0                     Fig. 3  Comparison of Brain Function Images by NIRS and fMRI (9 subjects)     Functions  Language Processing

 0  40  80  120  160  200  240  280  320  360  400  440  480  520  560  Time (s)  applying standard scores. Simultaneous NIRS and fMRI brain function measurements were made while performing arithmetic tasks.
              Comparison of the fMRI results and the brain function images created by the method introduced here show similar trends.
              In the future, we hope to expand application of this method to tasks that are difficult to measure by fMRI, such as brain activity   Research  Mental Disorder
 Hb concentration  -0.01
 After  0.01  measurements on car drivers, and to the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for operating equipment by thoughts alone.
 multiresolution  0  (Data supplied by: Prof. H. Tsunashima, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University)
 analysis  fluctuations (mM cm)
 0  40  80  120  160  200  240  280  320  360  400  440  480  520  560  Time (s)                                      Shimadzu fNIRS   Key References Regarding
 Fig. 2 Comparison of Raw Signals and Signals After Multiresolution Analysis

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