Page 18 - LifeScience Solution for FNIRS
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

            Language Processing Functions                                                                                                                                                                                                       Light to Measure Brain Function  Principle of Using Near Infrared

               Data                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Imaging  Optical Brain-Function

               Semantic Processing and Brain Functions in Chinese / Japanese Bilingual Subjects                                         Results
               There are some isomorphic words that are written the same in Japanese and Chinese but have different meanings. For example, ؿं   When a Japanese / Chinese isomorphic word was presented to the bilingual subjects together with a picture representing the meaning
               means "automobile" in Chinese but "steam train" in Japanese. We were able to confirm differences in brain function between   in the non-target language (L1, Chinese), the false response rate (proportion falsely identified as the Japanese meaning) was higher
               Chinese / Japanese bilingual subjects (first language (L1): Chinese, second language (L2): Japanese) and Japanese monolingual subjects   than in the monolingual subjects. This result shows that the non-target language (L1) processing seems to interfere with the target   bilitation  Neuroreha-
               (first language: Japanese) during the semantic processing of isomorphic words.                                           language (L2) processing in bilingual subjects.
               fNIRS measurements on the Chinese / Japanese bilingual subjects revealed lower activation of semantic information in the non-target                                  Yes Response Rate
               first language during processing targeting the second language in which the subject has a lower degree of proficiency.
                                                                                                                                                                                               JML  BL
               Measurement Positions                                                                                                                                                        Interference from L1                                fNIRS and fMRI  Comparison of

               12 bilingual and 12 monolingual subjects were measured. fNIRS measurements were performed using 48 channels on the left and
               right side of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which contains Brodmann's areas 9, 45, and 46 that are involved with
               language and communication.                                                                                                                         Known  response (%)
                                                           Arrangement of 48 Channels
                                                 left   Cz                Cz   right                                                                                                                                                            Motor Control  Brain Activity during

                                                                                                                                                                      Japanese-specific  Shared  Chinese-specific  Unrelated
                                                    1   2   3         25  26   27                                                                                            Hit                 False alarm
                                                 4    5   6    7    28  29   30  31                                                     Two-way analysis of variance on the subject groups (bilingual, monolingual) and the data acquisition intervals (test, post 1, post 2)   Measurement with EEG  Simultaneous
                                                    8   9   10        32  33   34
                                                 11  12   13  14    35  36   37  38                                                     revealed that, unlike the monolingual subjects, the bilingual subjects exhibited significant activation of the left DLPFC when evaluating
                                                   15   16  17        39  40   41      Channels presumed to                             a Japanese / Chinese isomorphic word presented with a picture showing the meaning specific to the non-target language (Chinese).
                                                                                       be positioned on
                                                 18  19   20  21    42  43   44  45                                                     This result suggests that the left DLPFC activated to inhibit interference from the non-target language (Chinese). Unlike the left DLPFC,
                            Muzur et al.(2002)                                         DLPFC (BA 45, 46, and 9)
                                                   22   23  24        46  47   48                                                       the right DLPFC activated under a wide-range of conditions (Japanese-specific, Chinese-specific, does not exist in Japanese or Chinese)
                                                   Emitter  Detector  1-48: Channels                                                    that require target language (Japanese) processing. Attention must be paid to the activation of the right DLPFC to determine whether   Analysis Method  NIRS Signal
               Data Acquisition Intervals                                                                                               the subject understands the meaning in Japanese.
               Japanese / Chinese isomorphic words were visually presented together with one of four types of pictures corresponding to a meaning           Left Hemisphere         fNIRS Data        Right Hemisphere
               that is Japanese-specific, Chinese-specific, shared in Japanese and Chinese, or does not exist in Japanese or Chinese. The bilingual and
               monolingual subjects were asked to determine whether the picture represents the meaning in Japanese of the presented Japanese /         Hit             Correct rejection          Hit             Correct rejection
                                                                                                                                               BL                              BL         BL        Japanese-specific  Chinese-specific  BL     Inner Speech  Investigating
               Chinese isomorphic word. There are three data acquisition intervals: the "test" interval when the evaluation is performed, the "post   JML  Japanese-specific  Chinese-specific  JML  JML                  JML
               1" interval of hypothesized reduced searching for semantic information in the non-target language (L1, Chinese), and the "post 2"   2 1    4  1 8  5  2 9  6  10 3  7  4  1 8  5  2 9  6  10 3  7  2 1  1  28 25 32  29  26 33  30  27 34 31  28 25 32  29  26 33  30  27 34  31  2 1
               interval of hypothesized concentration on the meaning in the target language (L2, Japanese). The Hb concentration changes in each   Coxy Hb z score  0  11 18  15 22  12 19  16 23  13 20 17 24  14 21  11 18  15 22  12 19  16 23 13 20  17 24  14 21  Coxy Hb z score  0  Coxy Hb z score  -1 0  35 42 39 46  36 43  40 47  37 44  41 48 38 45  35 42 39 46  36 43  40 47  37 44  41 48  38 45  Coxy Hb z score  0
               interval were compared between the bilingual and monolingual subjects.                                                           -1 -2 Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2  -1 -2 Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2  -2 Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2  -1 -2 Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2
                                                                                                                                                            Shared   Unshared                          Shared   Unshared                        Functions  Language Processing
                             Yes / No Responses to Four Meanings                fNIRS Measurement Intervals
                                                                                                                                                2          1  2  3    1  2  3  2           2          25  26  27  25  26  27  2
                                            Japanese                                                                                            1         11 4  8  12 5  9  13 6  10  14 7  11 4  15 8  12 5  16 9  13 6  10 17  14 7  1  1  28 35 32 39  29 36  33 40  30 37  34 41 31 38  28 35 32 39  29 36  33 40  30 37  34 41  31 38  1
                                                                           ؿं (means "automobile" in                                            Coxy Hb z score  0  18  15 22  19  16 23  20 17 24  21  18  22  19  23  20 24  21  Coxy Hb z score  0  Coxy Hb z score  0  42 46  43  47  44  48 45  42 46  43  47  44  48  45  Coxy Hb z score  0
                                   Exists            Does Not Exist      +  Chinese but "steam train" in                                        -1                            -1           -1                            -1
                                                                            Japanese) Steam train                                               -2                            -2           -2                            -2
                                  Shared            Chinese-specific                                                                            Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2      Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2  Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2  Pre Fix Test Post1 Post2
                            (e.g., Թઘ (means "hot spring"  (e.g., ؿं (means "automobile"  Reaction time
                      Exists  in Japanese and   in Chinese but "steam  1S  1S  (approximately 5s)  6S    4S                                                                                                                                     Research  Mental Disorder
                            Chinese))           train" in Japanese))                    (3S by 2 post periods)                           For semantic processing of the target language (L2) by bilingual subjects, fNIRS measurements clearly reveal that the left DLPFC is
                                                                      pre fix  test      post 1  post 2                                  related to the reduced L1 activity in the early processing stage (post 1) and the right DLPFC is related to maintaining attention on L2 in
                                Japanese-specific     Unshared        0  1      2         3      4                                       the late processing stage (post 2).
                            (e.g., ؿं (means "automobile"  (e.g., Թઘ (means "hot spring"  Key response
                     Does Not  in Chinese but "steam  in Japanese and  Baseline  (Yes: known, No: unknown)
                      Exist  train" in Japanese) )  Chinese) )                                                                           (Data supplied by: Hirofumi Saito, PhD, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University)
                                                                                                                                         Reference: Misato Oi, Hirofumi Saito, Hiroshi Ito and Paul L. Rumme. (2010).                           Shimadzu fNIRS   Key References Regarding
                Correct response   Yes (known)      No (unknown)                                                                                "Semantic judgment of Chinese-Japanese bilinguals: a near-infraredspectroscopy study"  NeuroReport 21(2): 127-131.

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