Page 55 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 55

Application  No.M272
            The results (chromatograms) of analyzing active    Though its peak strength is smaller than that observed
            pharmaceutical ingredients in the detector splitting   in the standard solution, a peak was also detected at
            system are shown in Fig. 6, and the mass spectra of   the elution position of o-xylene (c). Checking the mass
            detected peaks are shown in Fig. 7 to 9. Peaks a and b,   spectrum of this peak (Fig. 9) showed it differed from
            based on their respective mass spectra (Fig. 7 and 8),   the mass spectrum of xylene (peak d, Fig. 10), and was
            were estimated to be ethyl acetate and butanol. Both   estimated to be dibutyl ether.
            these constituents are low toxicity class 3 solvents.

                                                                                      Class1 Standard

                                 5.0       10.0      15.0      20.0       25.0    d  30.0      35.0
                                                                                     Class2A Standard

                                 5.0       10.0      15.0      20.0       25.0      30.0      35.0
                                                                                     Class2B Standard

                                 5.0       10.0      15.0      20.0       25.0      30.0  Test (FID)  35.0

                                 5.0       10.0      15.0      20.0       25.0      30.0  Test (MS)  35.0

                                      Fig. 6  Chromatograms of Standard Solutions and Test Solutions
             100  43.0                         Ethyl acetate    100   57.0                         Dibutylether

              50  29.0                                           50
                    61.0                                            41.0    87.1
              0          88.1                                    0       73.1      130.2
                   50      100      150      200      250             50      100      150      200      250
                        Fig. 7  Mass Spectrum of Peak a                    Fig. 9  Mass Spectrum of Peak c
             100   56.0                                         100          91.1
                31.0                             n-Butanol                                           o-Xylene
             50                                                 50
                                                                     51.0  77.0
              0                                                  0
                  50       100      150      200      250             50      100      150      200      250
                        Fig. 8  Mass Spectrum of Peak b                   Fig. 10  Mass Spectrum of Peak d
            n Conclusion
            An FID and MS detector splitting system obtains FID and MS data simultaneously in a single analysis, and can be used
            as a simpler method of confirming constituent identity. This system shows promise for use in residual solvent testing of
            Note: Reference USP <467>
            This data was obtained by a method that does not conform to the pharmacopoeia, as analytical conditions based on USP <467> was modified before use.
                                                                                                      First Edition: Jul. 2016
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
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                                                                                                © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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