Page 52 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 52


            Application                  Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Analysis  of  Residual  Solvents  in  Pharmaceuticals

                                         Using Headspace GC-FID/MS Detector Splitting
            No.M272                      System

            Headspace gas chromatography with flame ionization              Table 1  Analytical Conditions
            detection (GC-FID) is often used for residual solvent   Headspace Sampler   :HS-20
            testing of pharmaceuticals, though the qualitative   GCMS                  :GCMS-QP2020
            power of this method is not particularly high. Because   Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector  :FID-2010Plus
            gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS)         Splitting System
            utilizes MS to perform qualitative analysis based on
            mass spectra, GC/MS can be used to estimate and     HS
            identify individual peaks detected in the expected   Mode                  :Loop (volume 1 mL)
            vicinity of a target solvent as well as other unknown   Oven Temp.         :80 °C
                                                                Sample Line Temp.
                                                                                       :90 °C
            peaks.                                              Transfer Line Temp.    :105 °C
            We describe an example of residual solvent test of a   Gas Pressure for Vial Pressurization  :76.4 kPa
            pharmaceutical using a detector splitting system that   Vial Equilibrating Time  :45 min
            simultaneously obtains FID and MS data in a single   Vial Pressurizing Time  :2.0 min
            measurement.                                        Pressure Equilibrating Time  :0.1 min
                                                                Load Time              :0.5 min
                                                                Load Equilibrating Time  :0.1 min
            n Sample Preparation
                                                                Injection Time         : 0.5 min
            According to Water-Soluble Articles, Procedure A, in   Needle Flushing Time  :15.0 min
            USP <467>, we prepared a class 1 standard solution,   APC Pressure         :20 kPa
            class 2 standard solution A, class 2 standard solution B,
            test solution, and class 1 system suitability solution. An   GC
            active pharmaceutical ingredient was used for the test   Column            :SH Rxi-624sil MS
            solution sample.                                                            (30 m × 0.32 mm I.D., 1.8 µm)
                                                                Injection Mode         :Split (split ratio 1:5)
                                                                Control Mode           :Constant Pressure (89.4 kPa)
            n Analytical Conditions                             Carrier Gas            :He
            The image of the Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020/FID detector   Oven Temp.            :40 °C (20 min) → 10 °C/min →
                                                                                        240 °C (20 min)
            splitting system is shown in Fig. 1, and analytical   Restrictor (FID)     :1.1 m × 0.25 mm
            conditions are shown in Table 1. Headspace conditions   Restrictor (MS)    :1.5 m × 0.20 mm
            were determined based on USP <467>. The column      APC Pressure           : 20 kPa
            outlet was split between FID and MS, and MS was
            performed in scanning mode. Using Shimadzu's        FID
            Advanced Flow Technology Software to determine the   Temp.                 : 250 °C
            splitting ratio, the flowrate ratio was optimized to   Make-Up Flowrate    : 30 mL/min (He)
            FID:MS of 1:1.                                      Hydrogen Flowrate      : 40 mL/min
                                                                Air Flowrate           : 400 mL/min
                                                                Ion Source Temp.       : 200 °C
                                                                Interface Temp.        : 250 °C
                                                                SCAN Range             : m/z 29 to 250
                                                                Event Time             : 0.3 sec
                                    Splitting Unit


                                   APC Pressure

                                                     Fig. 1  System Image
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