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            Application                  Gas Chromatograph

            News                         Analysis of Residual Solvents in drug products using

                                         Nexis GC-2030 combined with HS-20 head space
            No. G290                     sampler - USP <467> Residual Solvents Procedure A -

            Residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as   „  Instruments and Analytical Conditions
            volatile organic compounds used in or generated from
            the manufacture of drug substances, pharmaceutical        Table 1  GC Method for USP 467 Procedure A
            additives, or drug products. They are strictly controlled   Model      : Nexis GC-2030
            according to risk classifications from Class 1 to Class 3,   Detector  : FID-2030
            which are based on the risk to human health.        Headspace Sampler  : HS-20
                                                                Column             : SH-Rxi-624 Sil MS (0.32 mm I.D. × 30 m,
            Headspace GC methods specified in the USP (U.S.                         d.f. = 1.8 μm)
            Pharmacopeia), General Chapters <467> Residual      Column Temperature  : 40 °C (20 min) - 10 °C /min - 240 °C
                                                                                    (20 min) Total 60 min
            Solvents, are commonly used for analysis of residual   Injection Mode  : Split 1 : 5
            solvents. This Application News presents data obtained   Carrier Gas Controller  : Constant Linear Velocity (He)
            using the Shimadzu HS-20 Headspace Sampler and      Linear Velocity    : 35 cm/sec
                                                                Detector Temperature
                                                                                   : 250 °C
            Nexis GC-2030 Gas Chromatograph, from Class 1 and   FID H2 Flow Rate   : 40 mL/min
            Class 2 standard solutions, in accordance with Water-  FID Make up Flow Rate  : 30 mL/min (He)
            Soluble Articles, Procedure A, in USP <467> Residual   FID Air Flow Rate  : 400 mL/min
                                                                                   : 1 mL
                                                                Injection Volume

                                          E. Kobayashi, T. Murata    Table 2  HS-20 Method for USP 467 Procedure A

                                                                Oven Temperature   : 80 °C
                                                                Sample Line Temperature  : 110 °C
                                                                Transfer Line Temperature  : 120 °C
                                                                Vial Stirring      :Off
                                                                Vial Volume        : 20 mL
                                                                Vial Heat-retention Time  : 60 min
                                                                Vial Pressurization Time  : 1 min
                                                                Vial Pressure      : 75 kPa
                                                                Loading Time       : 1 min
                                                                Needle Flush Time  : 5 min

                             Nexis GC-2030 + HS-20                            1

            „  Class1                                                                            2
            Fig.2 shows the Class 1 standard solution chromatogram.                                   4
            Procedure A requires  that  the S/N ratio  obtained for
            1,1,1-Trichloroethane  in this chromatogram be 5 or
            higher. As shown, the S/N ratio was 220. Even for carbon                                   5
            tetrachloride, which had the lowest sensitivity level, the                             3
            S/N was 20.
            Table 3 indicates the S/N ratio of each peaks and the   0   1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0   7.0   8.0   9.0  10.0  11.0  min
            repeatability of the peak area (n=6).
                                                                      Chromatogram of WATER-SOLUBLE ARTICLES Class1
                                                                          Standard Solution by Procedure A
                   Table 3  S/N ratio and Repeatability of Class1
              No.      Compounds       S/N ratio  %RSD (n=6)
              1      1,1-Dichloroethane  320       2.8
              2     1,1,1-Trichloroethane  220     2.3
              3     Carbon tetrachloride  20       2.9
              4         Benzene         170        2.5
              5      1,2-Dichloroethane  60        3.4
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