Page 46 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 46


            Application                  Gas Chromatography

                                         System Suitability Testing for
                                         Hydroxypropyl Cellulose
            No. G287

            On December 1, 2014, the quantitative testing section   System performance: When  operating  under the
            on hydroxypropyl cellulose  was modified in Stage 6   conditions in Table 1, it is stated that isopropyl iodide
            Harmonization of the United States Pharmacopeia    elutes before the internal standard  with a relative
            (USP).                                             retention time of 0.8 with reference to the internal
            This article introduces examination results of system   standard, and the resolution is no less than 2.0. The
            suitability for quantitative testing of hydroxypropyl   relative retention  time of isopropyl iodide and the
            cellulose in conformance with the USP.             internal  standard  (methylcyclohexane)  in  the
                                                               chromatogram shown in Fig. 1 was 0.77, and the
                                             Y. Nagao, T. Murata
                                                               resolution was 15.70.

            „  System Suitability                              System reproducibility: It is stated that the relative
            An internal standard solution (methylcyclohexane in o-  standard deviation is to be no more than 2.0 % using
                                                               the response factor calculation (F) for six injections with
            xylene) and a standard solution of isopropyl iodide
            were prepared according to the USP monograph.      a standard solution of 2.0  μL. Fig. 2 shows the six
                                                               chromatograms   which   were  used   to  verify
            Using  the system and conditions given in  Table 1,   reproducibility. The relative standard deviation using
            2.0 μL of the prepared standard solution was injected.   the response factor (F) was 0.32 %.
            Fig. 1 shows the obtained chromatogram.
                                                               For reference, Table 2 and 3 are the peak tables
                                                               produced from analyses of isopropyl iodide and
                                                               internal standard.

                                         Resolution = 15.70

                                       Isopropyl iodide / 5.475  Internal standard / 7.063

                         2.5          5.0          7.5          10.0          12.5         15.0          min

                                                  Chromatogram of Standard Solution

                                                   Table 1  Analysis Conditions
                                Model              :  GC-2010Plus AF (230 V) /AOC-20i
                                Column             :  SH-Rtx-1 (30 m, 0.53 mm I.D., df=3.0 μm)
                                Column Temp.       :  40 qC (3 min) - 10 qC/min – 100 qC - 50 qC/min - 250 qC (3 min)
                                Detector           : FID
                                Carrier Gas        :  He, 52 cm/sec
                                Inj. Temp.         :  180 qC
                                Det. Temp.         :  280 qC
                                Split Ratio        :  1:50
                                Inj. Volume        :  2.0 μL
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