Page 11 - Hydrocarbon Evaluation Rubber and Plastic
P. 11

Material Evaluation,

              Quality Control,                Material evaluation, color measurement, molecular weight distribution

                                              We have a lineup of instruments that can be used for material evaluation, component analysis
              Development                     and color measurement, evaluation for quality control, and research and development work,
                                              such as the measurement of molecular weight distributions for polymers.

                                                                                     ■Spectrum of reverse-side layer of thermally oxidized

            •Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer  IRPrestige-21
            Allows material evaluation, component analysis, and deterioration analysis of rubber and plastics
            to be performed easily. It is also effective for partial structural analysis when used in combination
                                                                                     ■Spectra of layer in thermally oxidized polyethylene
            with a microscope.

                                                                                     ■Measurement of a 0.5µm photoresist film
                                                                                         (on a silicon wafer)

            •UV-VIS Spectrophotometer  UV-2450/2550
            Non-destructive thickness measurement is possible for a wide variety of films.

                                                                                                    Column:  Shimpack
                                                                                                          GPC-802, 801
                                                                                                    Mobile phase: THF
                                                                                                    Flowrate:  1mR/min

                                                                                   ■Measurement of polyethylene glycol

            •High-performance Liquid Chromatograph  GPC System
            A system for measuring the molecular weight distribution of polymers. It is equipped with visual,
            easy-to-use calibration curve creation functions, simple graph overwriting functions, and ASCII
            conversion functions. Also, using features such as time correction based on internal standard peaks,
            detector delay correction, and sensitivity correction for refractive index detector, it is possible to
            adjust the whole system and thereby perform accurate molecular weight calculations.  ■Analysis of polyurethane resin

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