Page 6 - Electric&Electronics - Total Solution for Analyzing Electronic Devices
P. 6

Observation and Analysis/Evaluation

            Micro-Area Observation

            ● 3D Measurement and Physical Property Measurement of Nano-regions                                                        High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope/Atomic Force Microscope
            ● Observation of Micro-Shapes on Sample Surfaces, LCD Panel Alignment Films, or ITO Membranes                             SPM-8100FM

            Scanning Probe Microscope/Atomic Force Microscope

                                                                                                                                      The HR-SPM represents a new generation of scanning probe microscopes
            A scanning probe microscope (SPM) is a generic term for                                                                   based on frequency detection. Previous scanning probe microscopes
            microscopes that scan sample surfaces with a tiny probe to observe                                                        (SPM)/atomic force microscopes (AFM) were generally based on amplitude
            three-dimensional shapes at high magni cations. A common type of                                                          modulation (AM). However, in principle, frequency modulation (FM) offers
            SPM is an atomic force microscope (AFM).                                                                                  higher sensitivity for acquiring higher-resolution images.
                                                                  LSI Circuit Observation Example  Quantum Dots                       In addition to ultra-high-resolution observation either in air or liquid, it also
            ・Samples can be observed at high magni cations in an
              atmospheric environment.                                                                                                enables, for the  rst time, observation of hydration/solvation at the
            ・Even insulative samples can be observed directly.                                                                        solid-liquid interface.
            ・Samples can be accurately measured in their height direction.                                                            HR-SPM Features
            ・Physical quantities other than height, such as surface potential,                                                        ・Uses FM-based scanning.
              magnetic force, viscosity, and elasticity, can also be measured.                                                        ・Noise levels in air and liquid are reduced to 1/20 of the previous model.
                                                                                                                                      ・Performance levels of vacuum SPM models are achieved in air and liquid.
            The SPM-9700HT enables observation of metals, semiconductors,
            ceramics, organic substances, polymers, and biological samples at                                                         ・Enables measurement of local structures at the solid-liquid interface.
            high resolutions in an atmospheric environment without coating or   The circuit patterns and contact holes in   This shows the observation of In0.7Da0.3As   ・Equipped with an HT scanner for a larger observation area and even faster speeds.
            other pretreatment. It can obtain images of sample surface   large-scale integrated (LSI) circuits can be   quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy   ・Dual monitors and signal display function dramatically improve  exibility.
                                                                   observed clearly.     (MBE) on a GaAs (100) substrate (2-degree tilt).
            unevenness at high magni cation rates ranging from a few                     AFM images can provide information important
            thousand times to several million times. It also offers superior             for opto-electronics, such as the density, shape,
                                                                                         and regularity of quantum dots. (Source: MJ. da
            resolution with respect to the vertical direction of the sample, which
                                                                                         Silva, Prof. A.A. Quivy, University of São Paulo)                     Differences from Previous SPM/AFM Systems
            enables accurate measurement of material surface roughness.
                                                                                                                                          Observation of Atomic Resolution
                                                                                                                                          in Liquid
             Scanning Probe Microscope/Atomic Force Microscope

            The SPM-Nanoa achieves high-resolution observation by adopting a high-sensitivity low-noise detection
            optical mechanism, and also automates the optics adjustment and observation parameter setting steps, a
            manual process with previous models. Consequently, even inexperienced users can easily obtain
            high-resolution observation data.
            It can be used for a wide variety of nanotechnology or nanoscience issues by observing the shape or
            evaluating the physical properties of polymer materials, battery materials, nanomaterials, and so on.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2.0 × 2.0 nm
                                                                                                                                                                                AM Method                           FM Method
                              Automatic light            Automatic observation  Image processing
              Cantilever setting  beam adjustment  Sample placement
                                AUTO                        AUTO          AUTO
                                                                                                                                          KPFM* Observation of Pt Catalyst
                                                                                                                                          Particles in Air
            The SPM-Nanoa helps achieve stress-free observations by automating steps that required practice with
            previous SPM models, such as adjusting the light beam, adjusting parameter settings during observations, and                  *KPFM: Kelvin Probe
            processing image data.                                                                                                                    Force Microscope                      -0.80                                  0.25
            Operating time when using standard samples and standard cantilever: About 5 minutes*
            * For automatic observation with a 1  m  eld of view and 256 × 256-pixel resolution. Actual operating times can vary depending on the operator.
              This is an example of analyzing the shape and electric potential of   S  G  D  S  G  D  Source: Prof. Fukuda, Department of
              organic thin  lm transistors, which have attracted attention for use in         Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
               exible displays and other applications. The  lm material is P3HT   P3HT        Faculty of Engineering,                                                     50.00 nm   100.00 × 100.00 nm        50.00 nm   100.00 × 100.00 nm
                                                    Source    Drain
              (3-hexylthiophene), which provides high electron mobility.  Insulator           Muroran Institute of Technology
              To use the SPM for actual measurement, the source electrode is   Gate                                                                                             AM Method                           FM Method
              grounded and electric potentials are applied independently to the gate
              and drain electrodes, as diagrammed to the right, to map the variation   V G  V D
              in surface potential at the top of the gate.
                                                  Measurement Schematic Diagram               VG=-10V,VD=-40V
                                                                           Height    Potential

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