Page 5 - Electric&Electronics - Total Solution for Analyzing Electronic Devices
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Comprehensive Quantitation Functions

 Observation and Analysis/Evaluation

 Micro-Area Observation and Elemental Analysis  Elemental Analysis and Chemical State Analysis

 ● Submicron Contaminant Analysis and Elemental Analysis of Intermetallic Compounds,  ● Composition/Bond State Analysis of a Sample's Surface and Metal Surface Discoloration Analysis
    Such as Solder Joints for Mounted Devices

 Electron Probe Microanalyzer  Imaging X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
 EPMA-1720 Series  KRATOS ULTRA2

            Automated Imaging X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
 Using only simple mouse operations, EPMA-1720 series   ・Overview
 microanalyzers can reveal the micron, submicron, and even   XPS (or ESCA) is a method that measures the bond energy of
 nano-level microstructures in electrical/electronic materials.
            photoelectrons emitted from solid surfaces irradiated with soft
 ・Enables analysis of submicron-level contaminants or the identity,   X-rays to analyze the type of elements present in substances and   ・Application
 shape, and quantity of impurities.  their chemical bond state.
 ・Non-uniformities and segregations can be determined from   Given that the escape depth of photoelectrons is only a few
 element distributions over a large 90 × 90 mm area.  nanometers, information can only be obtained from layers closest to
 ・Multiple samples can be analyzed successively without human   the surface of solids.    PAA Layer
 intervention.  This method contributes to applications essential for developing
            nanotechnologies, such as evaluating thin  lms or multilayer  lms,      alkyl amine
 Cu Migration between Printed Circuit Boards  Analysis of LED Eutectic Mount Plating Layer  controlling contamination of material surfaces, and evaluating
            polymer surface treatments.
 Optical Microscope Image  Cu                                                                    Au substrate
                                                                 This is an XPS image of Au 4f peaks measured from a sample with a pattern formed by
            Equipped with high-speed XPS imaging functionality based on an
                                                                 microcontact printing on a thin  lm of gold. The Au peaks from the pattern were
            imaging-speci c analyzer, the system can instantaneously   detected through a monomolecular  lm of alkylamine less than a few nm thick. The
            determine the distribution status of elements or chemicals on   results show that the polyacrylic acid (PAA) thin  lm between the pattern lines (lattice
                                                                 area), which is at least 10 nm thick, blocks the signal from the substrate.
            substance surfaces.
                                                                                         (Source: Prof D. Crooks, Texas A&M University)
 1mm  2 m  2 m  2 m  2 m
 BSE  Ag  Sn  Mo
 Migration direction
 Resist    lm
 Cu pattern
 An EPMA-1720H model equipped with a high-resolution CeB6 electron gun clearly   Imaging X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
 (+)  (-)  shows the  ne structure of the LED eutectic mount plating layer. It shows that the Sn in
 the plating layer applied to the Ag layer is bleeding into the Ag layer.  KRATOS NOVA
 This is an example of analyzing a contaminant on a
 circuit board. It shows that the Cu is migrating from the   The thin  lm of Mo is about 0.4 µm thick.  Automated X-ray Imaging Photoelectron Spectroscopy
 cathode (-) toward the anode (+). A distribution of Cl is
 also present at roughly the same location as the Cu.
            This micro-XPS system (15 µm minimum analysis diameter)
            automates all process steps from loading samples until                              Ar Gas Cluster with Ion Gun
            measurements are  nished.
 EPMA-8050G  Analysis positions can be quickly speci ed at any position in the CCD   ・Application
            camera image or the real-time photoelectron image of the large 110
            mm square sample platen. Three sample platens are available, which
 The EPMA-8050G features a high-intensity Schottky emitter and a   can be installed in the loading area and automatically exchanged.
 new electron optical system that can focus the electron beam to a   Furthermore, large samples can be measured directly as they are.
 smaller diameter, which achieve high spatial resolution even during   The system successfully automates the entire process without
 irradiation at high current levels.  sacri cing the performance levels required in research  elds.
 ・Achieves the world’s highest spatial resolution performance during   ・Features
 high-current irradiation.  Samples can be observed via the CCD camera to then accurately     Spectrum Measured from
 ・Enables ultra-high-sensitivity analysis with irradiation at high   specify the analysis locations in the captured images.  Image of Hydrocarbon  27 µm Micro-Area
 current levels up to 3 µA.  Three large 110 mm square sample platens can be installed at the   Chemical State
 ・With a large 52.5-degree X-ray take-off angle, it can even analyze   same time and automatically exchanged.
 bumpy samples with excellent accuracy.  Steps for switching from micro to macro analysis modes or
            measuring images can be fully automated.
 COMPO  1 µm  Ag  1 µm  Cu  1 µm
            The system can measure real-time images with a spatial resolution of
 This data is from mapping analysis of an area of a lead-free solder that contains a high
 concentration of Ag. (Accelerating voltage: 10 kV, Irradiation current: 20 nA)  3 µm or less using the spherical mirror analyzer (patented), measure
 The particle shape in the X-ray image of Ag closely matches the particle shape in the   samples with high sensitivity using the magnetic lens (patented),
 BSE image (COMPO). It shows that the particles circled with a red dashed line, which
 appear to have a 0.1 µm diameter, are also Ag particles. It also shows the presence of   and measure insulation samples with high-energy resolution using a   Spectrum Measured from  Image of C-F Chemical State
 particles that contain Cu, which are indicated circled with a yellow dashed line.  charge neutralizer mechanism (patented).
                                                                       27 µm Micro-Area

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