Page 30 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 30

Latest topics 2

                                                       Latest topics 2

                     Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation Plaza,

            a New Center for Analytical & Measuring

           Instruments Business has been completed

             Accelerating Open Innovation at a Convenient Location
                                           near Haneda Airport

            In October 2022, Shimadzu completed the building of Shimadzu Tokyo   Experience with Analytical Instruments/Laboratory
            Innovation Plaza, a center for the development of technology for an-  Environments in an Advanced Laboratory
            alytical applications and the provision of solutions to customers. It is   At this new center, in addition to performing demonstration measure-
            located  at  KING  SKYFRONT*  (Kawasaki,  Japan),  a  hub  for  open   ments to introduce the functionality of Shimadzu’s leading equipment
            innovation promoting new industrial development in the life sciences   and usage methods, laboratory designs
            and environmental fields which are expected to grow globally.  and experimental  environments will
                                                               be proposed. Analysis laboratories  are
            KING SKYFRONT is an open innovation hub that creates new industry     opened  using glass walls,  enabling
            from the world’s highest standard R&D, that plays an important role   visitors  to  observe  analyses  from  a
            in  Japan’s  growth  strategy  by  contributing  solutions  to  a  variety  of   walkway.
            issues including health, medicine, welfare, and the environment while
            also creating global businesses in these fields. It is located in the Tono-  Exhibition areas, halls, lounges and con-  Main hall
            machi  region  of  Kawasaki  ward,  across  the  Tamagawa  River  from   ference rooms are available in addition   ICHIHANA hall
            Haneda Airport, a 10-minute drive away.            to the analytical laboratories which are   Green Science  Office
                                                               the  core  of  this  new  center.  Hands-on
                   Learn more about KING SKYFRONT              exhibits  incorporating  the  five  senses,   Optics Science  Healthcare Science
                                                               as well as demonstration measurements   Entrance  Exhibition space  Material Science
                                                               and  seminars, are  among the  events
            Making use of this convenient location, Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation   planned.   Adopting a Floor Design that
                                                                                           Accelerates Open Innovation
            Plaza aims to promote the development of cutting-edge analytical tech-
            niques, the provision of solutions, and collaborative research together
            with global customers and neighboring research agencies. It further aims   *KING is an acronym for Kawasaki Innovation Gateway and reflects the meaning
                                                               of “tono” (feudal lord) as found in the name of the nearby town Tono-machi.
            to be a space to exchange ideas and create new knowledge by engaging     SKYFRONT refers to its location across from Haneda Airport, which connects
            in international academic meetings, conferences, and seminars.  Japan to the rest of the world.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.10  Issue1 29
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