Page 25 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 25

Materials Science

                All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries
                         and Related Issues

            Fig. 2 is a schematic of an all-solid-state lithium-ion battery (hereaf-
            ter: All-solid-state LiB). All-solid-state LiBs use a solid electrolyte,
            so they are safer than LiBs that use a normal combustible liquid
            electrolyte.  However, the contact  between the solid electrolyte
            and the electrodes is poor, so the interface’s electrical resistance is
            large, making high-speed charging and discharging difficult. The   (a) ZXY Data  (b) LCO Height Image
            SPM can measure the distribution of current and electric forces at   Fig. 4. LCO ZXY Data and Constructed Height Image
            the microscopic scale, so it holds promise as one method for evalu-
            ating the interface between solid electrolytes and electrodes.
               In this article,  sintered compacts  of commercially  available   Table 1 Measurement Conditions
            electrode material were observed and measured, in anticipation of   Instrument:  Scanning Probe Microscope SPM-8100FM
                                                                              Deep type scanner
            the analysis of electrodes in contact with a solid electrolyte. The   Scanner:  (maximum operation range XY: 55 μm, Z: 13 μm)
            materials used were lithium cobaltite (LiCoO : hereafter LCO) for   Holder:  Micro current holder Measurement range: ±10 nA
            the cathode and lithium titanate (Li Ti O : hereafter LTO), both of   Observation Mode:  ZXY measurement
                                    4  5  12
            which are used in all-solid-state LiBs. Fig. 3 shows an overview of   Pixel Number:  Z: 1024 X: 256 Y: 256
            the observations. Note that the electrode material used here was in   Purge Gas:  Argon
            its initial state, beforechargingor discharging.    Atmosphere:   Oxygen 0.7 ppm or less, water vapor 0.75 ppm or less

                                                                    Image Construction and Inspection

                                                               The images in Fig. 5 (a) to (j) were constructed from ZXY data in
                                                               the measurement range from XY: 30 µm Z: 12 µm to XY: 5 µm
                                                               Z: 6 µm.
                                                               (1) Height Images
                                                               The 30 µm LCO height image (a) and the 30 µm LTO height image
                                                               (c) showed irregularities on the order of 2 µm, and the roughness
                                                               (Sa) analysis showed surface roughness at 341.5 nm and 333.6 nm.
                                                               Several gaps in the LCO were also found. In contrast, no gaps were
               Fig. 2. Schematic Diagram of   Fig. 3. Observation of a Sintered
                  All-Solid-State LiB  Compact of Commercially Available   found in the LTO, but residual marks from sample formation were
                                          Electrode Material   evident on the samples in the vertical direction.
                                                                  The 5 µm LCO height image (e) showed that the grains in the
                                                               electrode material were about 1 µm in size, and that there were
                                                               small gaps between them. There were also grains several hundred
                     ZXY Current Measurements                  nm in size as indicated by the arrows. The LTO height image (h)
                       and Image Construction                  showed plate-like crystal structures as indicated by the arrows.
                                                               (2) Current Images
            Observations and measurements  were performed by measuring   In the 30 µm LCO current image (b), the current distribution was
            the ZXY-current. Fig. 4 shows a typical height image and ZXY   not uniform, and the current was detected over 41.7 % of the area
            data for LCO measurements, and Table 1 shows the measurement   (as analyzed using particle analysis software). In the 30 µm LTO
            conditions. Normal shape measurements use planar data with Z in-  current image (d), no current was detected, but this was likely be-
            formation for each point with X and Y coordinates. However, the   cause of the high resistance of the LTO in the uncharged state.
            ZXY measurement method is based on force curve measurements,   In the 5 µm LCO current image (f), it was found that the direc-
            in which there is data for all three axes, Z, X, and Y. As a result, a   tion of current flow was different on the left and right sides of the
            variety of images can be constructed including height images and   yellow dotted line. On checking the 5 µm LCO height image (e),
            adsorption force images, based on the acquired ZXY data. 1), 2), 3), 4)  the yellow dotted line was found to be the boundary of a crack. In
                                                               addition, it was evident that there was no current flow at the grains
                                                               several hundred nm in size, indicated by the arrows.
                                                                  As in the 30 µm LTO current image (d), no current was detected
                                                               in the 5 µm LTO current image (i).

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