Page 29 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 29

Latest topics 1

            Appointment of New President and CEO

            The Shimadzu Group welcomed spring with a new organizational struc-  and Senior Managing Executive Officer (CFO) of the headquarter.
            ture in April 2022. We are pleased to announce Yasunori Yamamoto as   “Nothing happens unless first a dream.” These words by the poet
            Shimadzu’s new President.                          Carl Sandburg are his cherished motto. He says, “it is precisely now
               President  Yamamoto  joined Shimadzu with an extensive back-  when our social environment is undergoing such startling changes that
            ground in physics, including elementary particles, fields of force, and   we must lend an ear to our global customers and face the issues with
            laser fusion, and has been involved in the technology development of   our technology. In addition, I would like to put our efforts into both the
            testing machines in the analysis and measurement division. After that,   requirements of our current era and what will be needed in the era to
            he  held  significant  positions  such  as  President  of  Shimadzu  Europe   come.” For the earth for the future.
            GmbH (Germany), as well as Managing Executive Officer, Director,

              Top Message
            Using Science and Technology to Innovate           Those efforts have resulted in a treasure trove of diverse technologies
            and Solve Societal Challenges Together with        able to quickly solve customer challenges.
            Customers from Around the World                       Today, society continues to change at an unprecedented pace. In
                                                               the face of an endless stream of new challenges, including the pan-
            Shimadzu Corporation has been doing business based on our corporate   demic, global warming, declining birth rates, and aging populations,
            philosophy, “Contributing to Society through Science and Technology,”   we  remain  committed  to  actively  confronting  these  challenges  with
            since being founded almost 150 years ago.          renewed determination. By listening carefully to the silent voices of
               The analytical  and measuring instruments, industrial machinery,   society and the earth, we will rise to solve those challenges and work
            and aircraft equipment that we provide are used in a wide range of in-  with customers around the world to create innovative solutions. That is
            dustries, where they play a role in protecting the safety and security of   truly the mission expressed by our corporate philosophy, “Contributing
            society and improving convenience of life through our customers’ busi-  to Society through Science and Technology.”
            nesses. In addition, the Shimadzu products used at healthcare facilities   Shimadzu  will  continue  to  use the  technologies  and  wisdom in-
            for diagnosis, treatment, or measuring health, and the equipment used   herited from our past to transition to a higher level than ever before.
            to support the development of new drugs, serve an important role in   Therefore, please look forward to
            supporting the desire of people to live healthy lives.  more  great  things  to  come  from
               I believe we have been able to continue contributing to society, de-  Shimadzu in the future.
            spite our limitations, because we have always taken on the challenge of
            solving issues that our customers face. Consequently, we have steadily
            improved our technologies to “separate and visualize” gases, liquids,
            solids, genes, proteins, and other substances to determine their proper-
            ties. We have also repeatedly taken on the challenge of developing new   Yasunori Yamamoto,
            devices and creating new technologies that are key to manufacturing.   President and CEO

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