Page 34 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 34

Contribute to Carbon Neutrality                           High-Sensitivity Analysis System
            We  contribute  to  quality  control  and  technological  development  in   for Inorganic Gases
            fields such as artificial photosynthesis, hydrogen fuels, biofuels, and
            other renewable energies, as well as storage batteries, which are all in-
            dispensable for achieving carbon neutrality using the latest gas chroma-  Solutions for Biofuels
            tography technology.
               Shimadzu’s proprietary technology has been adopted for the BID
            (Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector), which incorporates ionization   Analysis System for Gases
            via a new dielectric barrier discharge plasma. BID is a new universal   in Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries
            detector that can detect any compound except Ne and He.

                                                               Designed with the Analyst in Mind
                                                               In today’s environment, results are needed regardless of whether the an-
                                                               alyst works in the laboratory, the office, or at home. With the flexibility
                                                               to accommodate a variety of applications, Shimadzu’s  GC supports the
                                                               analyst’s procedures beyond the laboratory, at virtually any location.

                     Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector  BID-2030

                   Nexis™ Technologies – BID

            The BID can detect carbon monoxide and hydrogen, as well as inor-
            ganic gases and hydrocarbons with high sensitivity, including formic
            acid and formaldehyde, produced in the reduction reaction of carbon
            dioxide using a photocatalyst.                        The  Shimadzu’s  GC  features  Analytical  Intelligence  to  help
                                                               achieve improve productivity. Clean Pilot, a system conformity test,
                                                               and LabSolutions™ can provide an automated workflow together with
                                                               remote operation and monitoring from instrument startup to analysis
                                                               completion. Automated workflows incorporate the work-style habits of
                                                               experienced analysts. The result is reliable data collected over extended
                                                               periods and higher productivity.LabSolutions Direct is a remote access
                                                               tool used to control or monitor GC systems via a simple user inter-
                                                               face on a commercially available smartphone or tablet. Consequently,
                                                               analyses can be performed while monitoring the status of instruments
                                                               from locations away from the laboratory. In addition, Shimadzu’s GC
                                                               is designed to enable even beginners to perform reliable analysis with
                                                               various functions that reduce the burden of GC maintenance, such as
                                                               self-diagnosis,  automatic  carrier  gas  leak  check,  and  click-tech  that
                                                               makes it easy to install columns and maintain inlets.
                                                                  We will continue to contribute worldwide by providing reliable
                                                               quality GC globally.

                                                                      Nexis™ GC-2030 - Features
            Chromatogram of Substances Generated in a Photochemical Carbon Dioxide Re-
            duction and Transition of Production Amount

            Shimadzu’s  GC  system  is  also  used  for  quality  control  of  hydrogen   Proposed Initiatives for
            fuels, biofuels, and analysis to ensure the safety of lithium-ion batteries.  Conserving Electricity

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.10  Issue1 33
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