Page 36 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 36


          New Products

            IR-Xross                                             XSeeker 8000
            Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer         Microfocus X-Ray CT System

                                                                This product is equipped with a
            The IRXross offers the high perfor-                 high-output X-ray generator and
            mance and easy operation that                       a high-resolution flat panel de-
            meets the demands of the phar-                      tector. Despite its compact size, it
            maceutical and chemical indus-                      has a high X-ray output of 160 kV,
            tries. IRXross provides an S/N ratio                enabling clear observations of
            of 55,000:1, the highest in its class.              molded plastic parts as well as
            It is also compliant with data in-                  aluminum die cast parts and
            tegrity regulations required in the                 other metal parts. In addition, the
            pharmaceutical field. The IRXross                   newly developed XSeeker control
            offers the optimal solution for a                   software provides high operabil-
            new era with diverse application                    ity and the highest throughput to
            requirements.                                       date.and quality evaluation to in-
                                                                spections at machining sites.

                             Learn more                                           Learn more

            AA-7800                                              MIV-X
            Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer                  MAIVIS Ultrasonic Optical Flaw Detector

            The Shimadzu Atomic Absorption                      Ultrasonic optical flaw detection
            Spectrophotometer AA -7800                          enables the visualization of inter-
            Series is versatile enough for a                    nal flaws (at a depth of about 1
            variety of analytical applications                  mm) that are hard to find using
            (Any Application), safe and easy to                 conventional ultrasonic testing.
            use even for beginners (Any User),                  The MIV-X visualizes and digitizes
            and offers continuous analysis                      flaws (peeling, cracks, and voids)
            using autosamplers and remote                       in parts and multi-materials in air-
            data analysis via network connec-                   craft, automobiles, and electrical
            tions to increase the flexibility of                and electronic equipment.
            the analysis operator’s work style
            (Any Location).

                             Learn more                                           Learn more

            TRAPEZIUM SATELLITE                                  LCMS-9050
            Testing Machine Remote Monitoring System             Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Liquid Chromatograph
                                                                 Mass Spectromet

            TRAPEZIUM SATELLITE is a remote                     The LCMS-9050 is a quadrupole
            monitoring system for testing                       Time-of-Flight (Q-TOF) mass spec-
            machines. It consists of a monitor-                 trometer system with the highest
            ing device, a USB camera, and                       mass accuracy stability levels avail-
            software for remotely monitoring                    able. The stable positive/negative
            the operating status of fatigue                     high-speed polarity switching tech-
            testing machines using a web                        nology enables the simultaneous
            browser. The operating status of                    analysis of positive ions/negative
            equipment can be checked while                      ions, contributing to new applica-
            away from the laboratory, which                     tions development and heightened
            heightens the efficiency of testing                 analysis efficiency.
            work and reduces workloads.

                             Learn more                                           Learn more

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