Page 28 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 28

Shimadzu Selection

                                                                      Solutions for Cellulose Nanofibers
                                                                Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) are plant-derived carbon-neutral materials
                                                                that are light-weight and strong, yet they also exhibit high elasticity and
                                                                resistance to heat. With recent concerns on global warming and climate
                                                                change, there is growing attention regarding CNF playing a major role
                                                                 in sustainable bio-based materials and may be one of the fundamental
                                                                solutions to various environmental problems. This solutions book help
                                                                for research and development to expand the use of CNF.

                Analysis of Components Emitted during                       Analytical Solutions for
                  Photodegradation of Bionylon with                      Analysis of Polymer Additives
                       Light-Induced Hydrolysis                 Although plastic products are used in a wide range of fields, including as
                                                                packaging containers for pharmaceuticals and food, and as materials in
            As the issues of marine plastic waste become more serious, there is a
            need to develop plastics that exhibit sufficient performance in use but   transportation equipment and home appliances, the adoption of SDGs
            quickly decompose in the marine environment. The authors have devel-  by the United Nations and the promotion of a circular economy is leading
            oped a high-performance nylon resin from itaconic acid that can start to   to an increased emphasis on recycling. Polymer additives are an important
            decompose in sunlit or water environments. The nylon has a pyrrolidone   element in the recycling of plastic products and ensuring the quality of
            ring in the main chain and exhibits light-induced hydrophilicity, but the   recycled goods. This application book  example analyses of polymer addi-
            structural changes and mechanisms involved have not been clarified.   tives performed using Shimadzu products.
            Therefore, the components emitted from samples due to light irradiation
            were analyzed using high-sensitivity GC-MS.

                  Analysis of Super Elastic Alloys and                        Polymers & Plastics
                        Shape-Memory Alloys                     Plastics and polymers are widely used in various products that play an im-
                                                                portant role in our daily life. To develop new products, chemical and phys-
            Titanium materials possess desirable mechanical properties such as cor-
            rosion resistance and heat resistance and are widely used, including in   ical properties like heat-dependent characteristics and degradation paths
            the medical field, as they have excellent biocompatibility. Research and   need to be investigated using various analytical instruments. On this web-
            development of low-toxicity titanium alloys are underway. Orthodontic   page, we introduce Shiamdzu’s solutions for resins and plastics testing.
            wire with a super elastic property is used in the treatment of dental
            malocclusions. Orthodontic wires with different transformation points are
            used appropriately depending on the patient’s paradental condition and
            sensitivity to pain. In this article, three types of orthodontic wires with
            different transformation points were analyzed using an EPMA-8050G elec-
            tron probe microanalyzer.

                                                                              Carbon Neutrality
                                                                On this webpage, we introduce how Shimadzu contributes to technologi-
                                                                cal development and quality control in fields such as hydrogen fuels, bio-
                                                                fuels, wind power generation, and other renewable energies, as well as
                                                                automobiles and storage batteries, which are all indispensable for achiev-
                                                                ing carbon neutrality.

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