Page 26 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 26

Materials Science

            (3) Attractive Force Images
            Normally, attractive forces in force curves are said to be caused   Conclusion
            by meniscus forces, van der Waals forces, or electrical forces due
            to water adsorption on the surface of a sample. In these measure-  The  surfaces  of  all-solid-state  LiB  electrode  materials  LCO  and
            ments, however, the water vapor concentration was 75 ppm or less,   LTO were measured without exposure to air, and height images,
            so the effect of meniscus forces was likely small. Taking the above   current images, and attractive force images were obtained. It is ex-
            into consideration, it was found that the 5 µm LCO attractive force   pected that such measurements will be applicable to the resolution
            image (g) was correlated with the distribution in both the 5 µm   of issues with resistance at the interface in all-solid-state LiBs.
            LCO height image (e) and the 5 µm LCO current image (f). It was
            also found that the 5 µm LTO attractive force image (j) was cor-
            related to the distribution of plate-like crystals in the 5 µm LTO   References
            height image (h) (arrows). It is therefore likely that the attractive   1.  Application News No. S 47 New SPM Measurement Method: ZXY
            force images represent van der Waals forces or electrical forces,   Scanning, Overcoming the Difficulties of Conventional SPM
            and that these indicate the compositional distribution of the elec-  Measurement
            trode material.                                    2.  Application News No. S 49 Visualization of Spatial Distribution of
               From the information above, it is likely that the LCO current   Magnetic Force by ZXY Measurement
            distribution reflects the compositional distribution of the material,   3.  Application News No. S 57 Visualization of Distribution of
            and that the path of the current is due to cracks or gaps between the   Electrostatic Force in Electrolyte Clarifying Corrosion and Cell
            grains. Regarding the LTO, for which current images could not be   Reactions
            obtained in this case, there are plans to measure the anode of an   4.  Application News 01-00256-EN Visualization of Current Distribution
            actual battery after charging.                        by ZXY Measurement: Current Measurement of Graphite Sample

             (a) LCO Height Image 30 µm  (b) LCO Current Image 30 µm  (c) LTO Height Image 30 µm  (d) LTO Current Image 30 µm

                        (e) LCO Height Image 5 µm  (f) LCO Current Image 5 µm  (g) LCO Attractive Force Image 5 µm

                        (h) LTO Height Image 5 µm  (i) LTO Current Image 5 µm  (j) LTO Attractive Force Image 5 µm
                                      Fig. 5. Height Images, Current Images, and Force Curve Attractive Force Images

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