Page 18 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 18

Clinical Research

            non-repeatability have been observed and discussed in detail for   vacuum and represent a clean baseline. Next, the measurements
            Raman spectroscopy using nanostructured substrates in the litera-  were repeated with a sample that was submerged in non-degassed
            ture . Hypothesized to be intrinsic to the non-periodic structure of   water for two hours. A representative comparison of the topogra-
            the Ag nanorods grown from PVD, a significant contribution from   phies is shown in Figure 5, where the baseline sample is on the left
            rapid corrosion has likely been overlooked.        and the submerged sample is on the right. It is evident from the
               Finally, we present SPM measurements of the samples. Five   topographical images that even brief exposure to water with dis-
            locations were measured using the SPM in contact mode. The first   solved gases results in rapid and dramatic morphological changes
            set were measured on a sample immediately after removal from   to the surfaces.

                               Figure 5: Left: Baseline Ag nanorods topography correlative to the SEM imaging A in Figure 1.
                               Right: Local mapping of topography for Ag Oxidized Nanorods after sitting in water for 2 hours.

               The same samples were analyzed on the SPM using KFM to   surface potential increases to greater than 3.0 V and there is no
            determine if the surfaces have chemically changed from the base-  evidence for the presence of fine nanorod tips. Based on the meas-
            line state. The baseline, Figure 6 left, shows the potential measured   ured change in surface potential, the authors hypothesize that the
            on clean Ag surfaces without significant oxidation or corrosion.   surfaces of the nanorods have undergone oxidation in the non-de-
            The tips of the nanorods are clearly evident in the potential plot.   gassed water. This hypothesis will be tested with future transmis-
            After soaking in the non-degassed water for two hours the average   sion electron microscopy (TEM) analyses.

                           Figure 6: Left: Ag nanorods surface potential contour map taken immediately after removal from vacuum.
                           Right: Ag nanorod surface potential contour map taken after submersion in non-degassed water for two hours.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.9  Issue1 17
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