Page 15 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 15

Clinical Research

            appropriate biological conditions . The effects of these new ma-  stainless-steel cylinder approximately 30 cm in height and 20 cm in
            terials on the morphological and chemical structures of metallic   diameter. The thermal evaporation source is located at the bottom
            nanostructures has not been the topic of sufficient investigation in   of the chamber, approximately 25 cm from the slides. The slides are
            the literature. As such, observed differences and claims of detec-  oriented at an incident angle of 87° relative to the source normal to
            tion of biological materials, like SARS-CoV-2, may be observa-  achieve a glancing angle condition. The chamber is evacuated using
            tions of changes to the metallic nanostructures caused by buffers   a mechanical roughing  pump  and turbomolecular  pump until  a
            and additives rather than the target molecule itself. For example,   vacuum level of 5 x 10  Torr is reached and maintained for an hour
            an extensive review of the literature shows that there has been no   to remove excess adsorbed water from the chamber. Evaporation
            investigation into the effects of something as simple as the pres-  is performed from a tungsten boat using 99.99% Ag pellets (Kurt J.
            ence of dissolved gases in the water used in sensing experiments   Lesker Co.). The deposition rate is monitored via quartz crystal mi-
            with metallic nanostructures, like Ag nanorods. However, it is well   crobalance and controlled to 10 A /s +/- 2 A /s to a total film thick-
            known in the literature and industry that dissolved oxygen in water   ness of 500 nm. The samples are then held under low to medium
            can rapidly corrode silver .                       vacuum and only removed prior to subsequent experiments.
               In this technical Letter, a representative study, the authors
            demonstrate that significant differences exist in the optical reflec-
            tion and Raman signals of rhodamine-6G (R6G), a classical organic   Degassing of Water
            target molecule, absorbed onto the surfaces of Ag nanorods when
            the samples were exposed to deionized water versus the same   High purity deionized water is obtained and half is degassed
            water that had been degassed via boiling. Through investigation   through boiling. To degas, the water is placed into a glass jar with
            using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), post operation and in-  a vacuum tight lid, removed during boiling, and heated to rapid
            situ UV-Vis spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy (SPM), and   boiling on a laboratory hot plate. The water is vigorously boiled for
            Raman spectroscopy the authors determine that significant chem-  15 minutes and then immediately sealed with the vacuum tight lid.
            ical and morphological changes occur when Ag nanorods are ex-  The sealed container is then allowed to return naturally to room
            posed to water that has not been degassed, compared to negligible   temperature. The boiling method has been shown to produce
            measured changes when they have been exposed to appropriately   water with as little as 1 ppm of dissolved oxygen .
            degassed water.

                                                                          Electron Microscopy
                                                               SEM is performed on a Tescan Mira scanning electron microscope
            Prior to presenting the results we will briefly describe the exper-  equipped with an Oxford energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).
            iments performed in this investigation. The experiments involve   Samples are imaged using secondary electrons at magnifications
            the fabrication of Ag nanorods using glancing angle physical vapor   up to 100k X under beam voltages of 10kV and working distances
            deposition (GLAD PVD), preparation of components and mate-  of 10 mm. Samples are imaged immediately after removal from
            rials used in the study, and then the characterizations carried out   vacuum and immediately after removal from exposure to degassed
            using SEM, SPM, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy.  and  non-degassed  water  with  subsequent  drying  under  a  gentle
                                                               flow of dry nitrogen.

                       Nanorod fabrication
            Ag nanorods are fabricated using GLAD PVD in a custom-built
            high vacuum chamber and thermal evaporation 13,18,19 . First, Corning   SPM is performed on a Shimadzu SPM-9700 HT equipped with
            glass slides are cleaned sequentially through sonication in acetone,   the 10-micron scanner attachment, fiber optic light source, and the
            ethanol, and deionized water for five minutes at each stage. The   high magnification CCD optical microscope unit. The SPM was
            cleaned slides are then dried under a gentle flow of high purity   performed on samples grown onto 12.7 x 12.7 mm corning glass
            nitrogen. After drying, the slides are placed onto a substrate holder   substrates with the evaporated silver nanorod films. The rate of
            at the top of the vacuum chamber. The vacuum chamber is a   raster scanning was set to 1.00 Hz and the pixel setting was ran with

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.9  Issue1 14
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