Page 14 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 14

Clinical Research

              Characterization of the Rapid Corrosion

                       of Silver Nanorods in Water and

                  Implications on Sensing Applications

                                        Stephen Stagon / Mechanical Engineering, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL USA
                                         Lev Gasparov / Physics Department, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL USA
                             Christopher Mealer / Mechanical Engineering, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL USA / Shimadzu Scientific Instruments

              Abstract  Metallic nanostructures, such as silver (Ag) nanorods, are   to meet critical needs in society . One such current need is the
            widely  used  in  biological  and  chemical  sensing  applications  that  rely   sensitive, rapid, and low-cost detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,
            on the measurement of subtle changes of the optical response of the
                                                               which is responsible for the devastating Covid-19 illness .
            nanostructures in the presence of a target agent. The optical response
            of Ag nanorods, like other metallic nanostructures, is highly sensitive to   Classical detection techniques rely on the replication of the viral
            morphology and surface chemical termination. In pristine condition, the   RNA and are expensive and slow . In the literature, sensors that
            optical properties of Ag nanorods and other metallic nanostructures are
                                                               rely on the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures
            well documented in the literature. However, almost nothing is known of
            the structural and optical properties after exposure to solvents, buffered   have been widely demonstrated to be rapid and potentially inex-
            solutions, or similar environments in real applications. This Letter reports   pensive at scale 8-11 . These optical sensors typically function based
            on the investigation into the effects of dissolved gasses, which are known
                                                               on the plasmonic  properties of noble  metal nanostructures,  like
            to corrode bulk and thin film silver, in deionized water on Ag nanorods.
            Through SEM, UV-Vis, SPM, and Raman characterization rapid corrosion   silver (Ag) nanorods or nanoparticles. The plasmonic properties
            and morphological changes are observed within minutes when Ag   of these nanostructures derive from a combination of length-scales
            nanorods are exposed to water with dissolved gases present. Conversely,
                                                               less than 100 nm and appropriate electronic work functions . The
            almost no measurable changes are observed when the dissolved gases
            are removed from the water via boiling.            functionality of these nanostructures as sensors relies heavily on the
                                                               surfaces of the metallic nanostructures and binding or proximity
              Keyword  Biological Sensing, Nanomaterials, UV-Vis Spectroscopy,
                                                               of the targeted material to the surfaces . Commonly, the changes
            Raman Spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy, Scanning Probe Microscopy
                                                               that happen within minutes to the surfaces in the presence of the
                                                               targeted material are measured using optical ultra-violet visible
                                                               spectroscopy (UV-Vis) or Raman spectroscopy .
                            Introduction                          Unlike ideal laboratory conditions, the conditions experienced
                                                               by  these  nanostructures  in  sensing  applications  are  diverse  and
            After nearly 30 years of laboratory scale research, metallic nanos-  not well studied. In biological sensing applications, many different
            tructures are finally poised to propel existing and new technologies   materials, like phosphate buffered saline, are required to maintain

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