Page 12 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 12

“I truly felt like we aren’t just a customer, we are working together to advance science”    |   INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Dr. Paul Eason  How will the UNF MedNexus become a leader   scale charac terization of materials is the future of both

                                                                      medicine and manufacturing, and our goal at UNF is to
                       and catalyst in preparing high quality health-
                                                                      remain on the cutting edge of it, so we are prepared
                       care professionals?
                                                                      when the need for novel characterization pushes re­
                       Healthcare and research hospitals provide a significant
                       contribution  to the economy  of  Jacksonville  and  the
                                                                      What technologies will be integrated into
                       surrounding Northeast Florida region. As a state funded   search into new directions.
                       institution, UNF’s mission is to train the workforce of the   this center and which Shimadzu platforms
                       region and to improve the lives of our citizens by ad­  are/will be utilized? What applications
                       vancing science and understanding. There exists a natu­  and/or emerging clinical research fields
                       ral opportunity for UNF to take the lead on aggregated   will these platforms be applied to?
                       resources and talent from our own faculty and students
                       to partner with our local hospitals and biomedical com­  The suite of instruments that we are acquiring as part
                       panies. The main goal of UNF MedNexus is to position   of MedNexus are being housed in our Materials Science
                       us as the hub for medical training and research support   and Engineering Research Facility (MSERF). MSERF was
                       to the surrounding hospitals, clinics and biomedical   created in partnership with Shimadzu and other equip­
                       communities. By serving the research hospitals with   ment providers to be a state of the art materials char­
                       state of the art equipment, UNF strengthens its partner­  acterization facility to serve many STEM research
                       ships with these renowned institutions, creating a pipe­  programs on campus. The MedNexus MS Suite will
                       line for our students to work with some of the brightest   house the MALDI 7090, MALDI mini and LCMS 9030.
                       minds  in medical research.  Ultimately UNF MedNexus   These instruments provide fairly comprehensive molecu­
                       will create a pathway for UNF students to work in the   lar identification methods, especially as they augment
                       most advanced areas of medical research, and provide a
                       source of research funding back to our faculty.
                       Connecting technology like the MALDI MS system to
                       frontline medical researchers provides our stu­
                       dents the opportunity to train on the most cut­
                       ting edge methods while working with the best
                       minds in the industry.

                       What other benefits will this project
                       bring to UNF and the rest of the world?

                       As UNF expands its research capabilities and con­
                       tinues  to support  STEM education, workforce
                       development and research in the region, our rep­
                       utation in the scientific community grows.
                       Creating word class facilities like the MedNexus
                       MALDI MS Suite elevates our capacity to attract
                       the best students and faculty to keep this mo­
                       mentum going. This past year has shown us how
                       vital a rapid response from the research commu­
                       nity  can  be  in  the  fight  against  global  health
                       crises. As proteomics and  materials science
                       merge  to  unlock  the  molecular  mechanisms  of
                       disease and therapies the possible benefits to the
                       world are simply too vast to speculate on. Nano   MALDI mini­1

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