Page 9 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 9

“Cooperations always are based on trust and on personal relations”   |   INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Prof. Uwe Karst  Selected recent publications with Shimadzu instruments:  (3)  Richter, H; Bücker, P; Dunker, C; Karst, U; Kircher, PR

                                                                        Gadolinium deposition in the brain of dogs after
                       (1)  Von der Au, M; Karbach, H; Bell, AM; Bauer, OB; Karst,
                         U; Meermann, B
                                                                        multiple intravenous administrations of linear gado­
                                                                        linium based contrast agents
                         Determination of metal uptake in single organisms,
                                                                        Plos One 15 e0227649 (2020)
                         Corophium volutator, via complementary electro­
                         thermal  vaporization/inductively  coupled  plasma
                                                                        Sperling, M; Pütz, M; Karst, U
                         mass spectrometry and laser ablation/inductively  (4)  Lützen, E; Holtkamp, M; Stamme, I; Schmid, R;
                         coupled plasma mass spectrometry               Multimodal imaging of hallucinogens 25C­and
                         Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 35 e8953 (2021)   25I­NBOMe on blotter papers
                       (2)  Andersen,  MK;  Krossa,  S;  Hoiem,  TS;  Buchholz,  R;  Drug Testing Anal. 12 465 (2020)
                         Claes, BSR; Balluff, B; Ellis, SR; Richardsen, E;  (5)  Lohöfer, F; Buchholz, R; Glinzer, A; Huber, K; Haas, H;
                         Bertilsson, H; Heeren, RMA; Bathen, TF; Karst, U;  Kaissis, G; Feuchtinger, A; Aichler, M; Sporns, PB;
                         Giskeodegard, GF; Tessem, MB                   Höltke,  C;  Stölting,  M;  Schilling,  F;  Botnar,  RM;
                         Simultaneous Detection of Zinc and Its Pathway  Kimm, MA; Faber, C; Walch, AK; Zernecke, A; Karst,
                         Metabolites Using MALDI MS Imaging of Pro state  U; Wildgruber, M
                         Tissue                                         Mass Spectrometry Imaging of atherosclerosis­af­
                         Anal. Chem. 92 3171 (2020)                     fine Gadofluorine following Magnetic Re so nance
                                                                        Sci. Rep. 10 79 (2020)

                                        Uwe Karst holds the Chair of Analytical   2001 to 2005, when he assumed his current position.
                                      Chemistry at the University of Münster in   He is author of more than 350 publications in peer­review
                                      Germany. After diploma and Ph.D. stud­  journals and 18 patents. Together with his research group, Prof.
                                      ies in Münster, which he finished in   Karst has organized several international and national confer­
                                      1993, he joined the University of Colo­  ences, including the International Symposium on Chromatogra­
                                      rado in Boulder as postdoctoral associ­  phy in 2008, the Metallomics conference in 2011, the European
                                      ate. He returned to Münster to obtain his   Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry in 2015 and,
                       Habilitation and was appointed as Full Professor of Chemical   most recently, ANAKON 2019 and DGMS 2020.
                       Analysis at the University of Twente in The Netherlands from

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