Page 6 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 6


                   Interview 1  Interview with Prof. Uwe Karst
                 “Cooperations always are

                    based on trust and on

                    personal relations”

                                               Professor Karst, thank you very much for spending some time for this
                                               interview. At first, could you introduce the outline of the research you
                                               conduct in general?

                                                            Our group is specialized on the development and application of an­
                                                               alytical methods and instrumentation to address complex analyti­
                                                                cal problems, mainly originating from the biomedical area. One
                                                                  of our major research areas is speciation analysis. The need for
                                                                   speciation analysis is caused by the fact that the physio­
                                                                   logical properties (uptake, distribution,  metabolism  and
                                                                    excretion), of metal­containing compounds are strongly
                                                                    dependent on the individual metal species rather than on
                                                                    the heteroatom in general. This is easily proven using the
                                                                    example that  hexavalent  chromium  is  considered  to be
                                                                    toxic and carcinogenic, while trivalent chromium is dis­
                                                                   cussed as possible essential trace metal species. A second
                                                                  major research area of our group is chemical imaging ­ the
                                                                 analysis of the distribution and the spatially resolved quantifi­
                                                              cation of low molecular weight analytes in biological matrices.

                                                             How much are speciation analysis and (multimodal)
                                                                chemical imaging linked to each other?

                                                                     Speciation analysis and chemical imaging complement
                                                                       each other  perfectly  regarding the  analysis of metal
                                                                        species in the organism of humans, animals or plants.
                                                                         Speciation analysis mostly uses liquid phase separa­
                                                                          tions to separate the metal or metalloid species
                                                                          prior to identification by electrospray mass spec­
                                                                          trometry (ESI­MS) and quantification by inductively
                                                                          coupled plasma­mass spectrometry (ICP­MS).
                                                                          Chemical imaging, on the other hand, is carried
                                                                         out by matrix­assisted laser desorption/ionization­
                                                                         mass spectrometry (MALDI­MS) and related tech­
                                                                        niques to obtain distribution information about
                                                                        intact molecules, while distribution and quantification
                                                                       of the elements is accessible by laser ablation (LA) cou­
                                                                       pled to ICP­MS and micro­X­ray fluorescence (µXRF).
                                                                       To provide an example, the investigation of side effects
                                                                       of  Cisplatin­based  tumor  therapy  requires speciation

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