Page 3 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 3

Note from the Director

                    Firstly, we interviewed Professor Uwe Karst of the   accordance with the anticipated increase in the el-
                    University of Münster about his participation in the   derly population in every country and region of the
                    development of a multimodal imaging system. Next,   globe. In order to extend this healthy lifespan, I be-
                    we talked with Dr. Paul Eason at the University of   lieve it is very important to detect cancer, cognitive
                    North Florida (UNF) about MedNexus, a facility es-  illnesses, and other diseases at very early stages and
                    tablished by UNF and associated with comprehen-  to take appropriate treatments and  countermea-
                    sive medical treatment and health care, and also   sures. In order to contribute to these fields, Shimadzu
                    about the relationship with Shimadzu.     will take proactive measures in the area of coopera-
                              In addition to these interviews, this   tive research, deepening our relationships with re-
                             issue contains applications related to   searchers involved in cutting-edge, revolutionary
                              the screening of anticancer agents   research and development in these clinical research
                                using probe electrospray ionization   fields, based on Shimadzu’s advanced analytical and
                                  (PESI) and analysis of COVID-19   measuring technologies.
                                   therapeutic drugs using HPLC   The corporate philosophy of Shimadzu is “Con-
                                     and LC-MS/MS. Finally, we   tributing to Society through Science and Techno-
                                       introduce the latest initia-  logy.” To realize this corporate philosophy, we will
                                        tives at Shimadzu in the   continue to maintain a proactive exchange of infor-
                                         clinical research field.  mation and, at the same time, provide useful infor-
                                           I believe the impor-  mation to you. We hope that this journal will be a
                                         tance of a healthy lifes-  great help for all of you. Your generous feedback is
                                         pan is increasing in   always appreciated.

                                                                                       Yours Sincerely,

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.9  Issue1  2
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