Page 2 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 2

Note from the Director

                                        Yoshiaki Mase
                                        General Manager,
                                        Analytical & Measurement Instruments Division

                      I am Yoshiaki Mase, the new General Manager of   the globe. It has continued to develop mutations in-
                    the Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division. I   termittently for more than a year now and is still
                    have replaced Shuzo Maruyama, who was ap-  having a significant impact on the global economy.
                    pointed Managing Director of Shimadzu (Hong   In order to mitigate the spread of this virus, it is im-
                    Kong) Ltd. in China this April.           portant to have a diagnosis as quickly and easily as
                      Prior to this appointment, I worked as Managing   possible in order to take suitable countermeasures
                    Director of Shimadzu (Hong Kong) Ltd. as the gen-  at the earliest stage. As a quick and convenient virus
                    eral representative for Shimadzu’s business activities   detection solution, Shimadzu released the 2019-
                    in China. At the same time, I pursued business activ-  nCoV detection kit using our Ampdirect technology.
                    ities in the Chinese market as the Director/General   In  addition, we aim to contribute to  suppressing
                    Manager of Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd. While sta-  COVID-19 by releasing the AutoAmp fully automatic
                    tioned in China, I helped transform the Shimadzu   genetic analyzer.
                    China Mass Spectrometry Center in Beijing, a base   The spread of this virus gives us a fresh aware-
                    for cooperative research in mass spectrometry tech-  ness of just how much impact a new infectious dis-
                    nologies, into the China Innovation Center, and ad-  ease  can have  on the  world. Shimadzu’s  current
                    justed the organization to enable cooperative   medium-term management plan includes a project
                    research with customers utilizing technologies from   to  counter  infectious  diseases  by  utilizing  a  wide
                    a wider range of fields.                  range of technologies, including both our analytical/
                      At the China Innovation Center, we pursued spe-  measuring technology and medical diagnostic imag-
                    cific measures for contributing to society through   ing technology. Moving forward, we will continue to
                    science and technology. These measures included   advance research and development to enable us to
                    research and development of revolutionary analyti-  provide solutions as appropriate countermeasures.
                    cal  methods  in  the ecology  field and  the  clinical   This edition of the Shimadzu Journal is a special
                    domain, and more recently, research and develop-  edition on clinical research. It introduces case studies
                    ment of multiplex examination methods for multiple   and applications of the use of Shimadzu analytical
                    human coronaviruses.                      instruments in the field of clinical research for the
                      This area of R&D has become all too timely with   early detection of cancer and the analysis of antican-
                    the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus across   cer agents and therapeutic drugs for COVID-19.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.9  Issue1  1
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