Page 20 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 20

Dark, particulate-laden exhaust from a seagoing vessel.

                                               Hydrocarbon Processing Industry

                        Analysis of Sulfur in Fuels by

            Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence


                      —Compliance with New International Standards

                                 Andrew Fornadel PhD, Joel Langford PhD, and Jon Peters / Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, USA

              Abstract  The sulfur content of hydrocarbon fuels is regulated to limit   natural volcanic processes . To limit anthropogenic SOx discharge
            atmospheric emission of sulfur oxides (SOx), which can cause negative   into the atmosphere, various organizations and governments have
            health  and  environmental  impacts.  In  2020,  new  regulations  from  the
                                                               imposed increasingly strict limits on the sulfur content of fuels.
            International  Maritime  Organization  (IMO)  went  into  effect  that  restrict
            the  acceptable  sulfur  concentration  in  marine  fuel  oil  to  a  maximum  of
            0.5% (m/m). A Shimadzu EDX-7000 Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence   Although many developed nations have set stringent sulfur con-
            spectroscopy (EDXRF) was used to establish compliance with common
                                                               tent regulations  for common motor fuels  such as gasoline  and
            standard  test  methods,  ASTM  D4294  and  ISO  8754,  and  to  analyze
            a sample of marine fuel oil. The successful evaluation of the EDX-7000   diesel , fuel used for commercial shipping has historically allowed
            demonstrates its functionality for assessing the sulfur content of heavy   comparatively high sulfur concentration. The fuel used in seago-
            hydrocarbon distillates and compliance with the new IMO 2020 regulations.
                                                               ing ships, commonly called fuel oil, residual fuel oil, or bunker
                                                               fuel, is comprised of residual hydrocarbons that remain after the
                                                               distillation of  lighter gasoline and diesel fractions.  Fuel  oils are
                            Introduction                       commonly dark black in color, very viscous, and can contain up
                                                               to C70 hydrocarbons . These properties make its use difficult in
            The sulfur content of fuels is regulated to reduce atmospheric emis-  conventional internal combustion engines. Though the use of these
            sions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other sulfur oxides, collectively re-  fuels  is  cost-effective  for  maritime  shipping,  their environmental
            ferred to as SOx, during combustion of the fuel . Atmospheric SOx   and health impacts have not gone unnoticed. Corbett et al. (2007)
            and related particulate matter (PM) have wide-ranging negative   estimate 60,000 annual global deaths can be attributed to excess
            health effects, particularly impacting the respiratory system as well   atmospheric particulate matter associated with shipping activity .
            as contributing to the formation of acid rain and smog (e.g., refs. 2
            & 3). The primary sources of SOx in the atmosphere is from sulfur   Beginning on January 1 , 2020, the International Maritime
            contained in fossil fuels that are burned for power generation and   Organization’s (IMO) has established a new regulation limiting the
            transportation, bacterial reduction of sulfate to H2S during decompo-  content of sulfur in fuel oil at 0.50% (m/m) (5000 ppm), reduced
            sition, aerosolization of seawater sulfate, and as gases emitted during   from the previous 3.50% (m/m) limit . There are even stricter limits

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