Page 22 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 22

Hydrocarbon Processing Industry

            There are three primary variables that
            determine the elemental selectivity and
            sensitivity of an EDXRF instrument when
            analyzing liquid samples such as fuels and
            oils: analytical measurement time, use
            of special X-ray filters, and modification
            of  the atmosphere  within  the  analytical
            chamber. All of these variables can affect
            the ability to detect low concentrations of
            sulfur within a sample.

            Analysis Time
            Often, detection limits will decrease with
            an increase in analytical integration time.
            By increasing the time during which the
            sample  is irradiated,  the  detector  has
            more time to average the signal from the
            element  of interest thereby increasing
            the signal-to-noise  ratio. Figure 2 shows   Figure 1. Simplified, conceptual diagram of EDXRF excitation and emission principles. Electrons
                                                 denoted as green circles, incident and fluorescent X-rays as orange arrows, and characteristic emission
            the  effect of increasing integration time
                                                 lines (e.g., Kα, Kβ, Lα) shown as red arrows.
            between  5 seconds and 300 seconds. It
            is visually apparent that signal to noise
            ratios improve with increasing integration
            time, allowing for better quantification.
                                                               sensitivity for elements of interest. The example in Figure 2 shows
            However, the improvement in signal-to-noise ratio diminishes along   two spectra of the same sample with and without the use of filter.
            a curve approximated by the square root of the integration time.   The spectrum generated without a filter shows a large signal at ~2.6
            Therefore, the improvement in quantification will be greatest during   keV, corresponding to a scattering effect of X-rays emitted from the
            increases at low total integration times, for example, from 5 s to 10 s,     rhodium-based X-ray source. This peak interferes with quantifica-
            and lower at greater integration times, e.g., from 100 s to 300 s.  tion of sulfur, with a peak at ~2.3 keV.

            X-ray Filters                                      On the spectrum generated using the filter, the errant peaks for
            Fluorescent X-rays can be subject to particle scattering phenom-  rhodium are removed and the sulfur peak shows better signal-to-
            ena, such as Compton scattering and Rayleigh scattering, in which   noise ratio. Although the overall intensity of the fluorescent X-rays
            their  energy  levels  or  directions  can  be  changed.  This  can  give   is diminished when using filters, the increase in the signal-to-noise
            rise to interfering signals and peaks on a spectrum and decrease   ratio of elements of interest can yield better quantitative results.

                    Figure 2. Spectra of sulfur Kα at different integration times demonstrating increased signal-to-noise ratio with increased integration time.

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